You are what you sell: more cheap shit from adrienne

Sue Lightning

Does she still sell insurance? I would have thought PCJ would be insured and she received a decent payout which is why it’s odd she is selling his shit.
She probably got a payout but is selling shit because she has a wedding, and like a white trash cracker they made a wedding they couldn’t afford and now she’s doing this. She’s had to pay 3 kids, a mortgage, and a funeral and with not working theres no doubt she blew most of the money he left.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Inviting the kind of randos who buy this junk to her home with her kids doesn't seem like the best move.

You meet them outside, they hand you the cash, you hand them the thing, your part ways. Who the hell invites a craiglist buyer inside?

Her choice. Jon presumably had life insurance. Maybe she shouldn’t have a wedding event with a man who’s a jobless bum with a kid to boot.

She’s fucking white trash dude. She’s saying “This goes for $60 new but i’m selling it for $10.” She’s not doing this so she can fucking pay rent. She’s doing it so she can afford another fucking wedding she doesn’t need. Stop being a fucking contrarian “nuanced” faggot. How about her and her new man gets a fucking job?

Wow you sure have Ade all figured out, specifically down to what she plans to spend the extra money on.


هيئة الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر
She probably told Jon's family to take what they want.

I think some of you struggle with the concept of mortality. When you die, your shit gets thrown out or sold. You're not Abraham Lincoln where your earthly possessions are preserved for the museum. The shirt you're wearing right now, plus others like it, get sold to some guy named Carlos from 3 towns over.

That's the cold reality of death. Nobody keeps all your stuff as a shrine to you.
Wrong. My body and possessions, including the wife and kids, will be placed in my underground shelter and then the whole thing gets filled in with radioactive concrete.

Sue Lightning

Wow you sure have Ade all figured out, specifically down to what she plans to spend the extra money on.
Wow you are such a nuanced genius dude. Only you can speculate on Ade and have her figured out. She’s just a poor mother who’s scraping by to feed her kids!!! This is perfectly fine speculation!!! Me saying she blew the life insurance money??? HOW DARE YOU CLAIM TO KNOW ADE!!!! Why is your “bit” acting like a mentally deprived idiot when that’s just who you are?

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
I do admire Ade’s willingness to do tedious admin just to make $5. I have every issue of McSweeney’s since it came out but stopped liking it as soon as it got political. I could make bank selling it and even took photos, but the idea of sitting down at the computer and pulling the listings together makes me want to pull out my colon through my mouth.

That said, I also look down on her willingness to do tedious admin for $5. But maybe she’d look down on me thinking this much about a stranger’s trash heap.

Sue Lightning

My speculation is so off base too….Ade hasn’t sold shit since Jons death then suddenly she announces she’s having a wedding, asking for people to give her free shit for the wedding, and starts selling shit for dirt cheap. Obviously she started selling shit because she needs to feed her kids. Cancel the wedding? WHAT? She doesn’t need money THAT bad! She only needs the money bad enough to sell her ex husbands possessions for pocket change!


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Wow you are such a nuanced genius dude. Only you can speculate on Ade and have her figured out. She’s just a poor mother who’s scraping by to feed her kids!!! This is perfectly fine speculation!!! Me saying she blew the life insurance money??? HOW DARE YOU CLAIM TO KNOW ADE!!!! Why is your “bit” acting like a mentally deprived idiot when that’s just who you are?

You know like 99.9999% of widows just get to sell their dead husband's shit on facebook marketplace without a troll forum playing ethics police
I do admire Ade’s willingness to do tedious admin just to make $5. I have every issue of McSweeney’s since it came out but stopped liking it as soon as it got political. I could make bank selling it and even took photos, but the idea of sitting down at the computer and pulling the listings together makes me want to pull out my colon through my mouth.

That said, I also look down on her willingness to do tedious admin for $5. But maybe she’d look down on me thinking this much about a stranger’s trash heap.
My mom was selling old shit she didn't want anymore for like $5-20. I asked how much she would make if it all sold for her asking price. It would be around $800. She stopped right then, realizing it just wasn't worth the time and effort.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
There were like 20 new posts in the last few days.




I wonder if that ring is Rick's?

Sue Lightning

You know like 99.9999% of widows just get to sell their dead husband's shit on facebook marketplace without a troll forum playing ethics police
Hmmm lets see what the difference is….

1.) These wives are still fucked up but don’t get our attention because they didn’t elope with a fat sci fi swatter.
2.) They’re not selling worthless shit like paint trays.
3.) They’re not selling shit that has worth for next to nothing
4.) They’re not selling shit that could easily go to his kids or that his kids would want

And hey, faggot. I’ve known people who’s partners died and they didn’t up and sell their fucking shit. It took them time to move on and when they moved on they didn’t start selling their shit for less than $10. To pay for another wedding no less.

Figure out the difference and enlighten me. You think you’re being really smart with this take but its fucking stupid.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Hmmm lets see what the difference is….

1.) These wives are still fucked up but don’t get our attention because they didn’t elope with a fat sci fi swatter.
2.) They’re not selling worthless shit like paint trays.
3.) They’re not selling shit that has worth for next to nothing
4.) They’re not selling shit that could easily go to his kids or that his kids would want

And hey, faggot. I’ve known people who’s partners died and they didn’t up and sell their fucking shit. It took them time to move on and when they moved on they didn’t start selling their shit for less than $10. To pay for another wedding no less.

Figure out the difference and enlighten me. You think you’re being really smart with this take but its fucking stupid.

Did your father pass away and your mom sold all his things?


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
I thank her for not killing Pat at least, funster. Would've removed years of entertainment.

Jon deserved better. His ugly sons would've had a blast with the bows when they were old enough to handle them.
yea I am giving Ade the benefit of the doubt that based on the low prices she's not concerned with profit, and just wants to get rid of the stuff to someone who will get good use out of it. But that kinda stuff, why wouldn't you hold onto for your kids? based on all the shit she's selling (not just Jon's) maybe she's going to movie in with her new husband for financial reasons and needs to get rid of a bunch of shit she can't take and store over there.

Sue Lightning

Did your father pass away and your mom sold all his things?
Nice reasoning, stupid. You can’t even make an easy “own” because you didn’t comprehend what I said because you’re brain damaged. I said I knew people who’s partners died and they DIDN’T sell their shit. When they moved on and got rid of it they GOT RID OF IT or passed it on. There’s a difference between fucking worthless knick knacks (that stupid wreath she posted) and shit with sentimental value (Fucking fathers day gifts).