You are what you sell: more cheap shit from adrienne


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Hildy is going to buy that shit so he can sniff it.

Adrienne, just donate the fucking clothes to Goodwill. You're doing this over $10? I'll give you $100 to not sell junk online for a month.
I could see not wanting to give it to the Jews at Goodwill for free so they can sell it for a profit and give like 5 percent to charity


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Better deal than the craft store.
Just throw this out!


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Nice reasoning, stupid. You can’t even make an easy “own” because you didn’t comprehend what I said because you’re brain damaged. I said I knew people who’s partners died and they DIDN’T sell their shit. When they moved on and got rid of it they GOT RID OF IT or passed it on. There’s a difference between fucking worthless knick knacks (that stupid wreath she posted) and shit with sentimental value (Fucking fathers day gifts).

Nah it's just you seem very worked up over this topic so I figured it had to strike a nerve with you.

Maybe you're one of those kids who watched Toy Story too many times and think you have a bond with inanimate objects. Getting emotional over a stupid novelty flask because it has sentimental value? It's a retarded flask, get $5 for it.

Sue Lightning

Nah it's just you seem very worked up over this topic so I figured it had to strike a nerve with you.
The topic doesn’t strike a nerve with me, you do. Because you’re being a needlessly contrarian faggot. “Everyone is sheep shitting on Ade…i’m about to come in with a REASONABLE take”. Except your reasoning is fucking retarded.
Maybe you're one of those kids who watched Toy Story too many times and think you have a bond with inanimate objects.
What the fuck are you not getting? THROW MY POSSESSIONS OUT if you think they’re that worthless. Don’t try to jew someone else out of $5 on it.
Getting emotional over a stupid novelty flask because it has sentimental value? It's a retarded flask, get $5 for it.
No. It’s a retarded flask so fucking throw it out or keep it. It’s so fucking worthless monetarily you benefit from throwing it in the garbage as much as you do selling it for $5. Ade isn’t fucking homeless where she needs to scrape pennies. This is fucking insulting but you’re a Reddit tier atheist nerd who has to bust in going “Actually guys, possessions only have a value that the living assign them them.” FAGGOT.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
This whole thread has me dying laughing. Between the arguments over the ethics of selling worthless junk for pennies on the dollar in a public forum and the outright mockery, interspersed with pictures of new listings of more tasteless dogshit, I am howling. I better pull my fuggin rig over before I decapitate a pedestrian with my tires.
Nothing is funnier than people being legit angry on the internet over shit that doesn’t affect them. And I say that as someone who would break every bone in a pig’s body if our paths crossed.