You are what you sell: more cheap shit from adrienne


Well we know the Wii fit above is in mint condition. Looshen up folks.
That was a few weeks ago. Check the dates.
They were doing it every weekend in June according to the Facebook dates I saw. Typical of neighborhood garage sales. You singled out particular items for whatever reason. I don't think it's fair to her to paint her as a black widow.

She keeps that little girl away from her psychopath biological father and has her involved in a bunch of wholesome craft making groups according to the pictures there. It's weird to encourage people go after them for no reason.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
The topic doesn’t strike a nerve with me, you do. Because you’re being a needlessly contrarian faggot. “Everyone is sheep shitting on Ade…i’m about to come in with a REASONABLE take”. Except your reasoning is fucking retarded.

What the fuck are you not getting? THROW MY POSSESSIONS OUT if you think they’re that worthless. Don’t try to jew someone else out of $5 on it.

No. It’s a retarded flask so fucking throw it out or keep it. It’s so fucking worthless monetarily you benefit from throwing it in the garbage as much as you do selling it for $5. Ade isn’t fucking homeless where she needs to scrape pennies. This is fucking insulting but you’re a Reddit tier atheist nerd who has to bust in going “Actually guys, possessions only have a value that the living assign them them.” FAGGOT.

Some people throw it out, some people sell it. That's your choice to make as a widow or widower. Not @Sue Lightning 's.

Plus, you know dead people don't get a vote, right? You can write a will, but that mostly dictates who gets what, not forbidding your heirs from reselling anything. It'll happen to you like it happens to all of us one day, and there's nothing you do to control how your next-of-kin deals with all your dumb shirts.


Calling all simps
They were doing it every weekend in June according to the Facebook dates I saw. Typical of neighborhood garage sales. You singled out particular items for whatever reason. I don't think it's fair to her to paint her as a black widow.

She keeps that little girl away from her psychopath biological father and has her involved in a bunch of wholesome craft making groups according to the pictures there. It's weird to encourage people go after them for no reason.
She participated around June 24th
She has sold worthless garbage before and after. It's embarrassing and lacks dignity.
I'm not painting her in any light other than cheap trash. Stay mad.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Jenna is a drooling idiot with a sick masochistic fetish for being told he’s a pea brained retard. I refuse to be your new Nobacon you knucklehead latino faggot.

Hell I'm an organ donor. My liver's probably useless at this point but I'll happily let them take my eyes to make some blind cunt see. If I'm willing to pass off my eyes or lungs, I think I'd be okay with another dude wearing my Nikes.

Sue Lightning

If this isn’t the biggest dumb fight in the group’s history, I’d love to read all about whatever was. TIA.
Nobacon has had it out with Jenna way longer and way more personal than me right now. Genuinely man, I would tell you if i did, I don’t give a fuck about Jenna and i’ll forget we had this tiff in an hour.

I don’t like his stupid “Duhh uh i’m the heel of the forum” bullshit though.

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
She probably told Jon's family to take what they want.

I think some of you struggle with the concept of mortality. When you die, your shit gets thrown out or sold. You're not Abraham Lincoln where your earthly possessions are preserved for the museum. The shirt you're wearing right now, plus others like it, get sold to some guy named Carlos from 3 towns over.

That's the cold reality of death. Nobody keeps all your stuff as a shrine to you.
Don’t be a cheap faggot and fork out for a mausoleum. You can get entombed with all your good shit.
