You are what you sell: more cheap shit from adrienne

Uncle J’s Sink Emporium

Enjoy prison, Y’munkoke
She probably told Jon's family to take what they want.

I think some of you struggle with the concept of mortality. When you die, your shit gets thrown out or sold. You're not Abraham Lincoln where your earthly possessions are preserved for the museum. The shirt you're wearing right now, plus others like it, get sold to some guy named Carlos from 3 towns over.

That's the cold reality of death. Nobody keeps all your stuff as a shrine to you.
I don’t think anyone is saying she should be keeping it besides maybe a few knives for the boys, which maybe they did.

The point is how niggardly it is to go through all this effort to sell shit for $5. Just donate it all and it’s over in a day.

My mom is the same way saving garbage for decades and I’ve had to tell her straight up as soon as she is dead I’m going to take a box of family photographs home and then literally every other thing in her place will be offered to goodwill and whatever they don’t take goes to the dumpster.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
No one is struggling with this. This users on this thread have made it clear that donating it to Goodwill or giving it away, or letting her kids have some of it, is a much better choice than going to fucking Facebook Marketplace and offloading it for $5. She's trash is the problem, not our 'mortality'.

You don't know that she isn't letting the kids keep some of it. Do you guys even know if that's his wedding ring and not just a random ring he owned?

I'd rather have $5 and the sneers of some messageboard that trolls my first husband than $0 and their respect.

Uncle J’s Sink Emporium

Enjoy prison, Y’munkoke
You don't know that she isn't letting the kids keep some of it. Do you guys even know if that's his wedding ring and not just a random ring he owned?

I'd rather have $5 and the sneers of some messageboard that trolls my first husband than $0 and their respect.
The point is the effort she’s going through for pocket change. It’s embarrassing. Or it should be.

Sue Lightning

Let it be known, Jennas family, when he dies you can just start giving away his shit to niggers for literal pennies. Fuck his wishes. Anything that could go to his kid goes to niggers. Apparently the only other option to this retard is building a fucking mausoleum to PCJ and Adrienne being a widow forever. False equivalency faggot.


How does that feel?!
I can almost understanding moving on so fast.. It's fucked up but in a way that is life for most western women. Poor PCJ tho, guy wasn't even in the ground for a year and she is off planning a 3rd wedding and somehow her selling off his possessions for a handful of sheckles just seems worse. So heartless, like you really need that $1.50 for that shotglass that bad huh?


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
The point is the effort she’s going through for pocket change. It’s embarrassing. Or it should be.

She's got three kids to raise, no alimony from Patrick, this Joe guy bounces around between jobs, cheap ass wedding.

Do any of you guys have empathy for a mom that might need to hustle for some extra bucks? If she's going through the effort, maybe every $5 bill counts.


She's got three kids to raise, no alimony from Patrick, this Joe guy bounces around between jobs, cheap ass wedding.

Do any of you guys have empathy for a mom that might need to hustle for some extra bucks? If she's going through the effort, maybe every $5 bill counts.
She could sell her ass and retain more dignity. I know that concepts like "dignity" and "class" are beyond you but the rest of us aren't Jewish.


Calling all simps
She's got three kids to raise, no alimony from Patrick, this Joe guy bounces around between jobs, cheap ass wedding.

Do any of you guys have empathy for a mom that might need to hustle for some extra bucks? If she's going through the effort, maybe every $5 bill counts.
Inviting the kind of randos who buy this junk to her home with her kids doesn't seem like the best move.

Sue Lightning

She's got three kids to raise no alimony from Patrick, this Joe guy bounces around between jobs, cheap ass wedding.
Her choice. Jon presumably had life insurance. Maybe she shouldn’t have a wedding event with a man who’s a jobless bum with a kid to boot.
Do any of you guys have empathy for a mom that might need to hustle for some extra bucks? If she's going through the effort, maybe every $5 bill counts.
She’s fucking white trash dude. She’s saying “This goes for $60 new but i’m selling it for $10.” She’s not doing this so she can fucking pay rent. She’s doing it so she can afford another fucking wedding she doesn’t need. Stop being a fucking contrarian “nuanced” faggot. How about her and her new man gets a fucking job?