What's something embarrassing about yourself?


Dirty Bastard
I got my weiner stuck in a toy truck when I was a small boy.


don't call me scarface
i don't know if any of you remember bebo (like facebook) you could post a comment along with "sharing a luv", you get 3 a day, i used to send all 3 to this girl i didn't know for god knows how long with something like "hey! here's your daily luv :D"

i wish there was a way to get old msn chat logs, i think i'd die reading some of the gay shit i posted

Calculating Bovinity

My name's Pat-reek, the Five-Ton Freak, child
I play Halo: The Master Chief Collection just about everyday, currently running through the Halo Reach campaign

Thinking about taking up the piano at the age of 29 (some of you probably think it's a faggy instrument, and even faggier that I want to learn as an adult)

100% white, zero black DNA, and I can't swim. I float on my back, kicking my legs clumsily to get back to land


I play Halo: The Master Chief Collection just about everyday, currently running through the Halo Reach campaign

Thinking about taking up the piano at the age of 29 (some of you probably think it's a faggy instrument, and even faggier that I want to learn as an adult)

100% white, zero black DNA, and I can't swim. I float on my back, kicking my legs clumsily to get back to land
Nothing gay about the piano brothaman. I've been thinking the same thing since you can get a nice full size keyboard for cheap.


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
I have a small scar / pockmark on my dick from when I was six. It's a long story (no, it isn't. I sat on an ant pile when I was six. The end.) It looks like a little hutch or pocket and if I don't wash it, I can squeeze dead skin and smegma out of it. But that's not the embarrassing part.

What's embarrassing is the amount of pride I took in it when I was a kid. In class, in the lunchroom, or at sleepovers, I'd pull out my little cock and gross my friends out with the discharge. I thought it was hilarious until I was about twelve and showed it to my first girlfriend.

We were in my bedroom, kinda dry humping and figuring things out when I decided to show her my dick to see if she'll touch it. She was shy and gave it a few tentative tugs, so I pointed at the scar and said, "Try squeezing that part" thinking it would be funny and break the ice a bit. She did it and screamed holy hell when it splooged. I tried calming her down, but she was so upset, my mom had to take her home. We never talked again.

There have been a few times when I'll run into someone from back then, and they'll say "Hey, remember when you..." and I'll fawkin heat up. You can barely see the scar now, but I still scrub the shit out of my dirty cock every day.


I create and place handmade, festive door decor on our door for all sorts of holidays and events (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring showers, summer birds, etc.). Well, I put our St. Patty's decor up on the 15th and totally forgot to take them down last night.

They were still up until I remembered and hurriedly removed them around 10AM this morning. Meaning, anyone who walked by our door earlier saw the already-outdated decorations. They must have scoffed and shook their heads. I shamed the household.


I create and place handmade, festive door decor on our door for all sorts of holidays and events (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring showers, summer birds, etc.). Well, I put our St. Patty's decor up on the 15th and totally forgot to take them down last night.

They were still up until I remembered and hurriedly removed them around 10AM this morning. Meaning, anyone who walked by our door earlier saw the already-outdated decorations. They must have scoffed and shook their heads. I shamed the household.
You should be tarred and feathered