We really fucked Dan up. Like, REALLY fucked him up.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy

duhhhhhh im a stupid alliance member we are the only reason dan left

This is why I Ortegapost.

Harry Powell

I'm not saying I didn't see that, I'm saying that it could have become the podcast we wanted not he wanted. The problem with how it played out is that people are now saying they never laughed at any of it. I laughed my balls off at just the chat when I watched, but the ones outside the forum sucked. It was like tuning in to watch baseball and seeing street shitters playing cricket.
I agree. When it was forum focused it was great. The other lolcows are better covered elsewhere. Ignoring Pat and the Forms is ignoring the only unique angle the pod could have.


Because he will be the first one to suck Dan's dick if he returns, and will beg him to be part of his little gestapo again.

Dan stabbed these fuckers in the back but they would still suck his dick for any kind of forum notoriety, egomaniacs.
While you're all being faggots boasting you "took down Dan" I just want to point out faggots here cried I crashed the forum, because they thought the fake bomb threat Pat spoke about made either the FBI or Quasi nuke it. *0% of people cried like girls over it, I told Dan a roasting was better than the fake fight which exploded on him, I began attacking Mewler which ratcheted back up that faggotry from months earlier, and I also reached out to people that did funny shit to keep it focused and noted homosexual Paul R Nelson, posted my PM, thinking I gave a shit which made that forum decorum, Dan immediately deleted his apology DM, because he was unsure whether I thought he followed his original script or it was real. Either or wouldn't have mattered, but I knew it was his "script" so I played along, that began the descent, including his reposting of DMs, which trashed the whole place.

So yea Dan was a bit faggy thinking others wanted anything more than a forum podcast, but he did it good enough. You Dutch homos literally don't make anything funny, Tony made the Dan thing happen, not you. You all seek clout because you're faggots by nature and that's why Britain left the EU. You had zero to do with nuking him, nobody literally cares what you two Dutch homos say, K-Schwabby and Dougie, do your routine better and more funny. Europeans are good for one thing, being fucked by brown immigrants.


I didn't mind Dan tbf, a quick ego-check was obviously in-order... but c'mon guys

Is this a dutch site now? OOooh! you smoke joints & put tulips up ur ass, calm down.
I think the 2 Dutch faggots are still reeling from one drunk limey taking NY and giving them Surinam in return lol. The Dutch are very weak, for Christ's sake they needed Canadians, fucking Canadians to liberate them after their women all fucked Nazi occupiers and their men licked up the Kraut cum. Even the French fought harder.


While you're all being faggots boasting you "took down Dan" I just want to point out faggots here cried I crashed the forum, because they thought the fake bomb threat Pat spoke about made either the FBI or Quasi nuke it. *0% of people cried like girls over it, I told Dan a roasting was better than the fake fight which exploded on him, I began attacking Mewler which ratcheted back up that faggotry from months earlier, and I also reached out to people that did funny shit to keep it focused and noted homosexual Paul R Nelson, posted my PM, thinking I gave a shit which made that forum decorum, Dan immediately deleted his apology DM, because he was unsure whether I thought he followed his original script or it was real. Either or wouldn't have mattered, but I knew it was his "script" so I played along, that began the descent, including his reposting of DMs, which trashed the whole place.

So yea Dan was a bit faggy thinking others wanted anything more than a forum podcast, but he did it good enough. You Dutch homos literally don't make anything funny, Tony made the Dan thing happen, not you. You all seek clout because you're faggots by nature and that's why Britain left the EU. You had zero to do with nuking him, nobody literally cares what you two Dutch homos say, K-Schwabby and Dougie, do your routine better and more funny. Europeans are good for one thing, being fucked by brown immigrants.
I took credit for the bomb threat but the funny part is there was no bomb threat!! Lol


I took credit for the bomb threat but the funny part is there was no bomb threat!! Lol
Not the bomb threat, but the faggot reactions. You had to see the panic in the "secret" forum, they literally live and die by this place. I'll admit it's fun and we shouldn't eat one another alive, but seriously this all got fucking retarded from that day. The Dutch homos were whining too.... they have just this, this is where they get to insult Americans who could curb stomp them in IRL. We non-Dutch may be faggots, but seriously those fags are another level.
An old dude with Autism. Only at ONA forums 😂😂
I'm not autistic, just low IQ.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
While you're all being faggots boasting you "took down Dan" I just want to point out faggots here cried I crashed the forum, because they thought the fake bomb threat Pat spoke about made either the FBI or Quasi nuke it. *0% of people cried like girls over it, I told Dan a roasting was better than the fake fight which exploded on him, I began attacking Mewler which ratcheted back up that faggotry from months earlier, and I also reached out to people that did funny shit to keep it focused and noted homosexual Paul R Nelson, posted my PM, thinking I gave a shit which made that forum decorum, Dan immediately deleted his apology DM, because he was unsure whether I thought he followed his original script or it was real. Either or wouldn't have mattered, but I knew it was his "script" so I played along, that began the descent, including his reposting of DMs, which trashed the whole place.

So yea Dan was a bit faggy thinking others wanted anything more than a forum podcast, but he did it good enough. You Dutch homos literally don't make anything funny, Tony made the Dan thing happen, not you. You all seek clout because you're faggots by nature and that's why Britain left the EU. You had zero to do with nuking him, nobody literally cares what you two Dutch homos say, K-Schwabby and Dougie, do your routine better and more funny. Europeans are good for one thing, being fucked by brown immigrants.
I personally hate this fucking worthless faggot almost as much as I hate Pat.
What's stopping you fucker from going on bringing the funny? Probably the fear of your labored breath into the mic, but I'm honest, if you are good I'd say lol.

You're an insufferable faggot European that never provides anything funny, but I'm Pat for returning what you say to me, sure lol. I'm here with catch phrases or denials to every post. You're weak and worthless sorry that I feel that way, but demonstrate one thing you say here that isn't just pulled from your ass that has proof to it. The running joke is I'm an illiterate dago boomer, but I have a degree, light hair and eyes, I don't even tan I burn, and I'm a decade younger than the youngest boomers, do you see me ever endlessly denying any of what my character is labeled as? No. Of course it seems serious to you, you don't have a functioning personality to catch nuance. You come from a shitty country overrun by Muslims and you desire to fit in with North Americans. Try "proving" something or making something funny. I don't care what you think, because you aren't a real person, you don't know me or who I am, and I'm here for a few laughs, but being a faggot posting about retarded wrestling styled shit about a few actresses ads no fun, while me replying to you does, so yea retard, of course I reply it makes shit funny.

Well considering you're likely a shut-in without any real life experience in anything remotely close to this, I'll take that as an endorsement. Between you and I, who do you think has been in a police investigation room for things that were felonies? I was questioned in my own fathers murder, trust me, cops no bullshitters and pranksters they get dozens of fools admitting to crimes in high profile cases, the goal here is to push them into looking at Pat. I have 8 threads before this where I plead with him to have an agent call me, to which he replies, no child you don't get a call, but he sends them this if it really happened, you think they'll be happy knowing he didn't send me there way 2 months earlier after finding out I sent him this as a troll? Use your head.

You're a fat fuck, who are you kidding. Half the place is in their 30's with no readily apparent breaks to attend work. I have no clue where you are, but if you're in North America what the fuck are you doing here messaging me now? Me I get up at 7AM tomorrow to take the kids to school at like 8:45, because I'm retired and old. Then I'll pack for my boys and I to go away Friday, what's your excuse? Obese shut-in? I'm really thinking there are more of those Fonner guys here.

see pretty obsessed aren't ya bud... oh the irony... don't reply.


I personally hate this fucking worthless faggot almost as much as I hate Pat.
What's stopping you fucker from going on bringing the funny? Probably the fear of your labored breath into the mic, but I'm honest, if you are good I'd say lol.

You're an insufferable faggot European that never provides anything funny, but I'm Pat for returning what you say to me, sure lol. I'm here with catch phrases or denials to every post. You're weak and worthless sorry that I feel that way, but demonstrate one thing you say here that isn't just pulled from your ass that has proof to it. The running joke is I'm an illiterate dago boomer, but I have a degree, light hair and eyes, I don't even tan I burn, and I'm a decade younger than the youngest boomers, do you see me ever endlessly denying any of what my character is labeled as? No. Of course it seems serious to you, you don't have a functioning personality to catch nuance. You come from a shitty country overrun by Muslims and you desire to fit in with North Americans. Try "proving" something or making something funny. I don't care what you think, because you aren't a real person, you don't know me or who I am, and I'm here for a few laughs, but being a faggot posting about retarded wrestling styled shit about a few actresses ads no fun, while me replying to you does, so yea retard, of course I reply it makes shit funny.

Well considering you're likely a shut-in without any real life experience in anything remotely close to this, I'll take that as an endorsement. Between you and I, who do you think has been in a police investigation room for things that were felonies? I was questioned in my own fathers murder, trust me, cops no bullshitters and pranksters they get dozens of fools admitting to crimes in high profile cases, the goal here is to push them into looking at Pat. I have 8 threads before this where I plead with him to have an agent call me, to which he replies, no child you don't get a call, but he sends them this if it really happened, you think they'll be happy knowing he didn't send me there way 2 months earlier after finding out I sent him this as a troll? Use your head.

You're a fat fuck, who are you kidding. Half the place is in their 30's with no readily apparent breaks to attend work. I have no clue where you are, but if you're in North America what the fuck are you doing here messaging me now? Me I get up at 7AM tomorrow to take the kids to school at like 8:45, because I'm retired and old. Then I'll pack for my boys and I to go away Friday, what's your excuse? Obese shut-in? I'm really thinking there are more of those Fonner guys here.

see pretty obsessed aren't ya bud... oh the irony... don't reply.
Recycling a bit done better by somebody else, try hard Dutch bitch.