There's a reason Russell Brand has gone down the right leaning freedom movement media even though he's a massive lefty


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
He's one of the few famous people talking shit about Bill Gates, WEF, etc.
Maybe, and tbh I don't keep up with him nowadays, but isn't he just controlled opposition? Or maybe he's known for awhile that the mainstream media were going to "out" him, and therefore sort of went into the direction of being "alt-right" so it wouldn't impact him too much? Looking at his YouTube comments, he's got a lot of supporters.

Fortified Wine

Sweet liquor eases the pain
Maybe, and tbh I don't keep up with him nowadays, but isn't he just controlled opposition? Or maybe he's known for awhile that the mainstream media were going to "out" him, and therefore sort of went into the direction of being "alt-right" so it wouldn't impact him too much? Looking at his YouTube comments, he's got a lot of supporters.

I haven't watched him in a few months but he's awesome. And, he ain't "alt-right." Very doubtful he's controlled opposition. The position he's in has grown organically. He been doing similar videos for like a decade or more now. It used to be called the "Trews" and he would go through current news stories and tell the real shit about them. He was one of the only non-fags throughout the entirety of Covid, calling out the bullshit every step of the way.


I was only jokin'

Man, he's supposed to be Billy Bob Thornton from Sling Blade in that picture? I always thought he was supposed to be this little jew hobgoblin.

Nice costume, stupid. Try picking someone closer to your height to imitate, like Warwick Davis or Verne Troyer.


Still spreading the O&A virus
He's one of the few famous people talking shit about Bill Gates, WEF, etc.
And? So was Alex Jones who was a known Mossad plant. Right after 9/11 Alex Jones comes out of nowhere and becomes the face of the entire conspiracy theory movement. When in reality groups like Architects and Engineers who actually had hard proof of the 9/11 Commission's findings being entirely fraudulent are marginalized if not outright censored. Alex Jones just explodes onto the mainstream scene and gets to be the gatekeeper for everything from Bohemian Grove to 9/11 and even Sandy Hook. And just like Jordan Peterson he screams he is being "silenced" by the media while being booked on internationally syndicated shows every week.

Alex Jones and Jordan Peterson go on CNN then Fox News then every podcast to say that "no one lets them speak".

Russel Brand is no different. A mediocre actor and comic out of nowhere becomes one of the largest voices for various conspiracy theories. Despite zero association with any conspiracy theory groups before. He just launched into orbit as one of the biggest figures in the media. And no surprise he is a loser in his personal life and a rapist weirdo. But doubtless the raging "red pill" groups will say that the women deserved it or were asking for it. The next "big thing" in alternative media circles was yet another sexual predator. No different than the chinless nigger Andrew Tate. And no different from whoever the next person is.

The next big "alt media" personality will be outed as some type of rapist or sex pervert within a few years of hitting big.
Maybe, and tbh I don't keep up with him nowadays, but isn't he just controlled opposition?
Do you actually believe that anyone gets onto the mainstream media as often as he does without being controlled? No one is going to get on the air and talk about the holohoax or the Mossad being responsible for 9/11. Or talk about the USS Liberty in any honest way. Our media is dead. And social media is getting more and more censored to the point where it is becoming useless.
Looking at his YouTube comments, he's got a lot of supporters.
Paid "supporters". No different than Depp raping Amber Heard and there being floods of pro-Depp comments for a handful of incel dweebs to latch onto. Or Elon Musk's sexual harassment and settlement against a flight attendant being met with an avalanche of positive Musk comments that all seem to repeat. They just use bot farms to seem supported.


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
I haven't watched him in a few months but he's awesome. And, he ain't "alt-right." Very doubtful he's controlled opposition. The position he's in has grown organically. He been doing similar videos for like a decade or more now. It used to be called the "Trews" and he would go through current news stories and tell the real shit about them. He was one of the only non-fags throughout the entirety of Covid, calling out the bullshit every step of the way.
I don't know, I've never really cared for his politics. Even before he got famous in the UK for presenting Big Brother's Big Mouth he came off as a wannabe Bill Hicks in his stand-up.

He's probably more based than a lot of his mainstream contemporaries, but so's Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson, and I wouldn't consult their opinions on anything either.

He was a funny fuck in the mid-2000s, but that's it.


hard drive full of CP media

--- Brand, then 30, sent a car to her secondary school to take her out of lessons and to his home, she says, and asked her to save his name in her phone as “Carly” to deceive her parents. Brand’s management knew that he had a teenage girlfriend and advised him not to be seen with her in public, she says. Alice alleges that Brand once forced his penis down her throat, making her choke, and that after trying to push him off he only stopped after she hit him in the stomach. She says she was visibly upset after the incident.

---Over the following weeks, Brand referred to her as “the child”, asked her to read Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita and coached her on what to say to her parents when he wanted to see her, Alice says. Although Alice was over the age of consent in the UK, she and a family member who has also spoken to The Sunday Times to corroborate her story both describe Brand’s behaviour as “grooming”. Alice says he suggested how she could deceive her parents into allowing her to visit him, and claims that he gave her “scripts” on how to lie to them. She also alleges that he told her not to trust her friends and that they would “all be looking to make money from it” if she revealed she was seeing him. “It was isolating,” she said.


“I’m like, no, that’s not happening, I don’t care, that’s not happening, we’re not doing that,” she says. “I tried to get away from him and I slipped away from the wall. And then I went to another wall that had a painting on it. A huge painting. And my bag got actually stuck underneath that, and it’s still on my arm. And at this point he’s grabbing at my underwear, pulling it to the side.”

Nadia alleges that she told Brand to get off her and that she wanted to leave, but he carried on. “I’m stuck underneath the painting and he’s pushing up against me,” she says. “He’s a lot taller than me. And he has that glazed look in his eye again. And I can’t move. And I told him, ‘Get off, get off.’” Nadia claims that Brand pushed her up against the wall and raped her, without a condom.


---Nadia, meanwhile, had told a close friend what had happened and she took her to the Rape Treatment Center (RTC) at UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center that same day.

She has shared a full copy of her treatment records, which state that she provided her underwear and other samples as evidence, which were frozen. An officer from the Los Angeles Police Department was alerted by the centre, according to the notes, but she chose not to make a police report — saying to the centre she “didn’t think my words would mean anything up against his”. The notes also state that “she was worried that, if her assailant’s name is somehow released, then her name will be dragged through the dirt”.

Nadia had therapy at the clinic for the following five months. During her therapy sessions, records show that Nadia was contemplating criminal or civil proceedings before ultimately deciding against it. However, she wrote Brand a letter “hoping to regain some of her power in the process”, her notes said, and she says she sent it to his house.


Phoebe says the team working on a project with Brand at the time worked from different locations, including from his property in West Hollywood. She was at his house when she realised that a member of his staff had gone out and they were alone.

She describes being trapped in a bedroom and realising that Brand wanted to have sex with her. She says she can’t remember whether he was naked or in his underwear, but that he ended up naked at some point and started chasing her.

She claims he “grabbed me and got me on the bed”. She claims he tried to kiss her and remove her clothes as he pinned her down. Phoebe says “And I saw something come over his eyes, I swear to God, like, black, his eyes had no more colour, they were black, like the devil. Like a different person literally entered his body.” She was fully clothed.

---Phoebe, who told friends what had happened to her, felt forced to return to work in the days afterwards, but she claims that Brand, after becoming aware of her allegation, cornered her and threatened her with legal action. Phoebe did not formally report the incident as she feared that her career would be affected. Three separate sources confirmed that she had told them about her allegation at the time, while two more were also aware of it.


She also describes how he once forced her to brush her teeth so hard that her gums bled, so she would taste “anonymous” to him. Martin writes that Brand “pushes boundaries, controlling other people to fulfil personal perversions for the sake of dominance, or for the sake of something”.


For this investigation, journalists were in touch with dozens of comedians who have worked with Brand. A female comedian said that in the early 2000s when they gigged together, Brand chased her around backstage and bit her on the face, despite her making clear she was uncomfortable. “Whenever he saw me, he would grab me and bite my face and it was coupled up with this weird, horrible energy,” she recalls. “I said to him, ‘I don’t like this’ and he still did it so much before he stopped. It was him crossing boundaries.”

---Daniel Sloss was the only comedian willing to speak on the record and using his real name. He says he first heard rumours about Brand’s behaviour on the comedy circuit more than ten years ago.

Sloss says that female comedians have set up online groups that they use to warn each other of comedians and others working in the comedy industry who they have had unpleasant experiences with, including predatory behaviour. Sloss says: “I know for many, many years that women have been warning each other about Russell.”

Who would have thought this obvious narcissistic sociopath would turn out to be some sort of narcissistic sociopath??? Crazy world.


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
Do you actually believe that anyone gets onto the mainstream media as often as he does without being controlled? No one is going to get on the air and talk about the holohoax or the Mossad being responsible for 9/11. Or talk about the USS Liberty in any honest way. Our media is dead. And social media is getting more and more censored to the point where it is becoming useless.

Paid "supporters". No different than Depp raping Amber Heard and there being floods of pro-Depp comments for a handful of incel dweebs to latch onto. Or Elon Musk's sexual harassment and settlement against a flight attendant being met with an avalanche of positive Musk comments that all seem to repeat. They just use bot farms to seem supported.

Of course not, I'm just entertaining some ideas. Anyone who voices their views in the mainstream is controlled to a large degree. But I still think Brand could have been moving towards a more alt-lite direction just so he could say he was silenced by the MSM.

I'm not sure about the paid supporters thing. There's a lot of people out there that would side with Brand because they hate MSM. If we are to believe that he has paid supporters then surely he would have paid detractors as well?


Still spreading the O&A virus
I'm not sure about the paid supporters thing. There's a lot of people out there that would side with Brand because they hate MSM. If we are to believe that he has paid supporters then surely he would have paid detractors as well?
Sure you can have paid shills on both sides. But the person who is mainstream connected like Peterson or Musk or whoever is going to have the mower powerful cartel or media group working for them. Just like the women who were raped by Masterson the scientologist had lawyers and PR people but nothing close to the level of the ones that scientology has access to. And when you control your own social media channels you can just block and ban the negative comments. So on Brand's social media pages it looks like he has 100% support but in reality who really is die-hard spending time writing pro-rape support posts for some mediocre comic?

Just like everyone can name the two stupid kike faggots from Columbine and give their parents TED Talks and book deals and documentaries. Yet he victims' families are given nothing and the victims themselves barely get their names mentioned. The mainstream media talks about Columbine and bullying and how the two shooters were victims in their own right and are practically martyrs. Or how the Virginia Tech shooter got his rambling manifesto played over and over again by NBC.

Like how the media plasters school shooters and serial killers on the covers of every magazine or gives then their own Netflix series. When you are on the wrong side of the mainstream narrative you will be outnumbered in terms of media presence. And anyone who is a victim of some rich or powerful celebrity or politician is not going to get enough media support.
Her story is full of too many stupid little details to be true. Always a big tell that something is a lie.
Ah yes those pesky meticulous details and police reports and legal documents getting in the way of defending your incel heroes. It must be some grand conspiracy theory from MI6 that four complete unrelated women all accuse the same mediocre hack of rape. Was Jimmy Savile innocent as well?
Ah yes those pesky meticulous details and police reports and legal documents getting in the way of defending your incel heroes. It must be some grand conspiracy theory from MI6 that four complete unrelated women all accuse the same mediocre hack of rape. Was Jimmy Savile innocent as well?
I don’t like Russell Brand and didn’t mention Savile, but it’s pretty common for people who are lying include lots of meaningless small details like stupid shit about a painting. Did you get ass fucked by a royal or something? You seem unhinged.


Still spreading the O&A virus
I don’t like Russell Brand and didn’t mention Savile, but it’s pretty common for people who are lying include lots of meaningless small details like stupid shit about a painting. Did you get ass fucked by a royal or something? You seem unhinged.
You just seem like one those reddit tier dorks that obsess over the next Andrew Tate or Johnny Depp case and soil yourself whenever a woman claims that she was raped. After stuff like Savile or Epstein or Weinstein it should be pretty obvious that people in the media are often extreme and criminal sexual degenerates. These cases all play out the same way. Women bring forth credible accusations, incel dweebs like yourself lose their minds on the internet, then flock to the next "RED PILL" pick up artist or whatever.

In another month or two you will have your next Brand or Tate to fawn and slobber over. Before their rape accusations start after a few years of being in the mainstream spotlight.
You just seem like one those reddit tier dorks that obsess over the next Andrew Tate or Johnny Depp
Didn’t follow the Depp case I really don’t care about him and have no idea who Andrew Tate is outside of him getting arrested in Romania and running some kind of cult. I’m really not interested in culture war stuff you’re obviously pretty invested in it all. I will always find any story that is over detailed on incidental things suspect it comes across as narrative building instead of stating the facts.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
And? So was Alex Jones who was a known Mossad plant. Right after 9/11 Alex Jones comes out of nowhere and becomes the face of the entire conspiracy theory movement. When in reality groups like Architects and Engineers who actually had hard proof of the 9/11 Commission's findings being entirely fraudulent are marginalized if not outright censored. Alex Jones just explodes onto the mainstream scene and gets to be the gatekeeper for everything from Bohemian Grove to 9/11 and even Sandy Hook. And just like Jordan Peterson he screams he is being "silenced" by the media while being booked on internationally syndicated shows every week.

Alex Jones and Jordan Peterson go on CNN then Fox News then every podcast to say that "no one lets them speak".

Russel Brand is no different. A mediocre actor and comic out of nowhere becomes one of the largest voices for various conspiracy theories. Despite zero association with any conspiracy theory groups before. He just launched into orbit as one of the biggest figures in the media. And no surprise he is a loser in his personal life and a rapist weirdo. But doubtless the raging "red pill" groups will say that the women deserved it or were asking for it. The next "big thing" in alternative media circles was yet another sexual predator. No different than the chinless nigger Andrew Tate. And no different from whoever the next person is.

The next big "alt media" personality will be outed as some type of rapist or sex pervert within a few years of hitting big.

Do you actually believe that anyone gets onto the mainstream media as often as he does without being controlled? No one is going to get on the air and talk about the holohoax or the Mossad being responsible for 9/11. Or talk about the USS Liberty in any honest way. Our media is dead. And social media is getting more and more censored to the point where it is becoming useless.

Paid "supporters". No different than Depp raping Amber Heard and there being floods of pro-Depp comments for a handful of incel dweebs to latch onto. Or Elon Musk's sexual harassment and settlement against a flight attendant being met with an avalanche of positive Musk comments that all seem to repeat. They just use bot farms to seem supported.
He's doing the same thing Owen Benjamin didi (except Owen was nowhere near actually famous). His career ended and now like a spiteful ex he's going to spill the secrets and tear the business down to be a cunt. Same with Corey Feldman. And along the way they make money of a bunch of fans who support them but they have no respect for.


Didn’t follow the Depp case I really don’t care about him and have no idea who Andrew Tate is outside of him getting arrested in Romania and running some kind of cult. I’m really not interested in culture war stuff you’re obviously pretty invested in it all. I will always find any story that is over detailed on incidental things suspect it comes across as narrative building instead of stating the facts.
Just admit that you're happy that Russell did a rape and the chicks deserved it, especially the 12 year old.