There's a reason Russell Brand has gone down the right leaning freedom movement media even though he's a massive lefty

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
Him I can believe is a Schofield type creep. Never believed for a minute that he's straight
I've never liked Russel Brand either.. i'm kinda on the fence about him, he's a grifter and a degenerate but unless i see hard evidence of him doing something, i am inclined to believe it's a hitjob to some extent.

Apparently there are rumours of David Walliams bringing young teenage girls back to his dressing room when he was on BGT or w.e it was he was a judge on. Sounds like bullshit to me tbh, unless he's using the "Nana defence" by pretending to be into young girls to cover up his raging homosexuality.


A bong hit?!
David Walliams did blackface and still gets a pass from the media. That's a pedo red flag.


Little Britain was hilarious.


I've never liked Russel Brand either.. i'm kinda on the fence about him, he's a grifter and a degenerate but unless i see hard evidence of him doing something, i am inclined to believe it's a hitjob to some extent.

Apparently there are rumours of David Walliams bringing young teenage girls back to his dressing room when he was on BGT or w.e it was he was a judge on. Sounds like bullshit to me tbh, unless he's using the "Nana defence" by pretending to be into young girls to cover up his raging homosexuality.
I've never been a fan of Brand, but I've met him twice and got zero creep vibes from him. He's a tall, striking-looking guy who has women throwing themselves at him. I can believe he's "sinned" by today's post-METOO standards, i.e. been a bloke who shagged and not apologised for it, and I can believe that he hasn't always been as sober as he says he is and has done the occasional cheeky line here and there, but it seems like a hit job considering how he's spent the last couple of years re going "based" etc.

Walliams is absolutely a homosexual and doubtless those "teenage girls" were actually one direction wannabes.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Even before he went down freedom movement stuff a lot of UK comics where hinting this was coming.
Brand was rumored to be the asshole guy who would hand out coke and heroin at parties to get people addicted. Misery loves company and all that. Or give people 'coke' that was heroin and then the next day give them his drug dealers' numbers and then those dealers would hook him up with free drugs in exchange for getting them new addicts aka clients.

Courtney Love did that to Steve Coogan once. She was partying with him and gave him 'coke' that was heroin. And he basically lost his mind and became severely addicted. When Coogan went on O&A he told them not to mention Courtney Love. And Norton (I think?) didn't read the notes for the interview and read from PalTalk "What's the deal with this Courtney Love thing?". And Coogan fled the interview and went to rehab or an NA meeting after having a panic attack in studio.