There's a reason Russell Brand has gone down the right leaning freedom movement media even though he's a massive lefty

Why couldn’t the cunts have done this about twelve years ago and saved us having to endure this cunt and his shitty Captain Jack Sparrow rip off persona
Cunts love actual Jack Sparrow. Cunts have shit taste in everything.
There's not enough cock to put a ring on.
Nonsense he's still perfectly capable of getting married.
Why couldn’t the cunts have done this about twelve years ago and saved us having to endure this cunt and his shitty Captain Jack Sparrow rip off persona
There's this Canadian comic based here who really isn't funny whatsoever but she was interviewed a year or so ago and mentioned a huge name in comedy was a sex pest but his lawyers had managed to stop anyone reporting it for years
Brand was rumored to be the asshole guy who would hand out coke and heroin at parties to get people addicted.
where did you get this from? Ahh, fuck! I actually know a bit about some drug-using celebs in the years after Russell went to rehab, I'm calling bullshit. You're wrong about Steve Coogan too.

Since you've now my timeframe & wheelhouse (kind of), I'm starting to think you make things up... but go-on, enlighten me...


The gunslinger.
Reminder: King Charles was close friends with Jimmy Savile and his brother Prince Andrew was close friends with Jeffrey Epstein and was proven to traffic underage girls for sex.

They ignore this because of their magic royal blood. The BBC ignores decades of systemic child abuse. Thatcher made known pedophiles close allies to control them.

You can go on and on forever.

They covered up the mass gang rape and grooming of British girls by Asians.

Edit; I'm really slow. Paul got the scoop.

I think two things can be true at once: Russell might've done some slightly wrong stuff while caught-up in his fame...
Also, these attacks might be motivated by reasons other than justice.

These same newspapers pushed Russell onwards, around this time he was literally celebrated as 'shagger of the year' by a national newspaper.
He might not be completely innocent, but if these articles are being launched now for political or other reasons, then I consider those people as-bad (for sitting on it) or worse for misusing it.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
I've never been a fan of Brand, but I've met him twice and got zero creep vibes from him. He's a tall, striking-looking guy who has women throwing themselves at him. I can believe he's "sinned" by today's post-METOO standards, i.e. been a bloke who shagged and not apologised for it, and I can believe that he hasn't always been as sober as he says he is and has done the occasional cheeky line here and there, but it seems like a hit job considering how he's spent the last couple of years re going "based" etc.

Walliams is absolutely a homosexual and doubtless those "teenage girls" were actually one direction wannabes.

Here is Brand with the evil, sickening faggot Jew Yuval Noah Harari who wants to control the population with drugs and technology a la Aldous Huxley.

Haha Russell my dick's way bigger than yours and I'm going to Heaven and you're not.