There's a reason Russell Brand has gone down the right leaning freedom movement media even though he's a massive lefty


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
It's very unlikely to be Russell Brand. He's been straight edge for too long, and he instantly dropped all association with another comic(Trevor Locke) that got accused of rape, but not convicted. They've never worked together since.

But I think the twitter replies are right about David Walliams. Something really creepy about these dirty comics who then publish children's books.

It's him, lad.

He hasn't hid this behaviour as well he thinks. Just enough that he could get by.

The things I wish I could share about that cunt, but it's all second hand. All the same stories, but second hand.


I think two things can be true at once: Russell might've done some slightly wrong stuff while caught-up in his fame...
Also, these attacks might be motivated by reasons other than justice.

These same newspapers pushed Russell onwards, around this time he was literally celebrated as 'shagger of the year' by a national newspaper.
He might not be completely innocent, but if these articles are being launched now for political or other reasons, then I consider those people as-bad (for sitting on it) or worse for misusing it.
Absolutely. What's also true is that pretty much everything he's been accused of would be described as nothing more than "ungentlemanly behaviour" 10-15 years ago.

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
Why is he getting called "right wing?" I don't find talking about the WEF, or the Ukraine thing being bullshit, or covid being bullshit, or all of our governments being evil to be "right wing".
Because people have been thoroughly brainwashed by various forms of the media. If you don't agree with all the "progressive" talking points you are a right wing nazi, if you don't agree with all the boomer jew worshipping talking points you are an antifa communist LIBTARD!.

Simple as.


Fortified Wine

Sweet liquor eases the pain
Because people have been thoroughly brainwashed by various forms of the media. If you don't agree with all the "progressive" talking points you are a right wing nazi, if you don't agree with all the boomer jew worshipping talking points you are an antifa communist LIBTARD!.

Simple as.


That I understand all that, but there are people ON THIS VERY FORM stating these things


Why is he getting called "right wing?" I don't find talking about the WEF, or the Ukraine thing being bullshit, or covid being bullshit, or all of our governments being evil to be "right wing".
He's a self-described socialist (and the hypocritical retarded multimillionaire type) but that won't stop "them" trying to tar him with the "far right/alt right" brush. Apparently all you need to do to make that happen as a public figure these days is display any critical thinking
He's a self-described socialist (and the hypocritical retarded multimillionaire type) but that won't stop "them" trying to tar him with the "far right/alt right" brush. Apparently all you need to do to make that happen as a public figure these days is display any critical thinking
He's not right but he's happy to use their tactics/platforms. I doubt many liberals are watching him on rumble media or whatever it's called

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high
Brand was rumored to be the asshole guy who would hand out coke and heroin at parties to get people addicted. Misery loves company and all that. Or give people 'coke' that was heroin and then the next day give them his drug dealers' numbers and then those dealers would hook him up with free drugs in exchange for getting them new addicts aka clients.

Courtney Love did that to Steve Coogan once. She was partying with him and gave him 'coke' that was heroin. And he basically lost his mind and became severely addicted. When Coogan went on O&A he told them not to mention Courtney Love. And Norton (I think?) didn't read the notes for the interview and read from PalTalk "What's the deal with this Courtney Love thing?". And Coogan fled the interview and went to rehab or an NA meeting after having a panic attack in studio.

Doing heroin one time is not going to make you become physically addicted and go crazy. Also there’s a massive difference between a bump of heroin for someone with no tolerance - it can be the size of a letter O if it’s really good shit and you’re totally naïve to it - and a fat ass rail of coke.


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
He's a self-described socialist (and the hypocritical retarded multimillionaire type) but that won't stop "them" trying to tar him with the "far right/alt right" brush. Apparently all you need to do to make that happen as a public figure these days is display any critical thinking
A Champagne Socialist. Like Billy Bragg, or John Lennon.

Not to side with Bob Geldof, who's a massive shitcunt, but Russell Brand is a cunt. But I don't think his behaviour was abhorrent, at least by 2008 standards.

It's all fun and games until someone gropes a boob and gets cancelled.

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high
A Champagne Socialist. Like Billy Bragg, or John Lennon.

Not to side with Bob Geldof, who's a massive shitcunt, but Russell Brand is a cunt. But I don't think his behaviour was abhorrent, at least by 2008 standards.

It's all fun and games until someone gropes a boob and gets cancelled.
It’s nuts how sharp the demarcation line is between acceptable in say, 2008, and acceptable in 2018.

CuntFucker .

Ben Bowder look-alike

Here is Brand with the evil, sickening faggot Jew Yuval Noah Harari who wants to control the population with drugs and technology a la Aldous Huxley.

Haha Russell my dick's way bigger than yours and I'm going to Heaven and you're not.


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
It’s nuts how sharp the demarcation line is between acceptable in say, 2008, and acceptable in 2018.
Yeah, it makes you second-guess what you're doing with your hands!

Seriously though folksh, the video below to me is nothing but saucy fun.

Personally, I'd draw the line with grabbing a woman and snogging her, but everything else is just fucking around, surely?


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
As an aside, I don't think Russell Brand is a bad guy. I think he truly believes he's doing good in the world, but that's the problem; he's too stupid to realise he's part of the problem. He's a dumb fuck he's been told he's a smart cunt for too long, much like Mos Def, Joe Rogan, or even Noam Chomsky.
