Spaghetti Factory lore unlocked 🚨


Self Styled Brothaman
I know i’m stating the obvious here but any job is about networking. The more people you know the more successful you are. And networking is completely antithetical to his nature. He is simply not a friendly person, and even if he were, he simply cannot think about “business”. How many authors or publishers do you think he’s actively soiled a connection with over politics? Do you think Pat is honestly competent enough to put aside politics to get ahead in his career?

Schinkle bout this. Have we ever seen Patrick tweet something like “Hey I just read this book by this small time author, I think people should check him out he’s really great!” NEVER. If he does its for the SFWA creeps who he feels obliged to give promotion to. Shit like that goes a long way and would show he’s actually committed to making relationships in the industry
If you look in his early career you can see some stuff that looks like an actual author. He appears on some podcasts, he is interviewed for a blog or two, he wrote some short fiction and tweets back and forth with other authors. This all vanished when he began hanging around Cat Rambo, was into his Tor deal and became obsessed with Twitter. Seemingly he figured he had hit the big time and was above networking with nobodies. Of course he didn't understand that while the correct politics and a certain amount of bullshitting can get you in certain doors you have to have talent to stay.

He doesn't seem to like writing, reading, other authors or the craft at all. It was always a means to an end, to catapult him into Hollywood and the political sphere.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan

Oh yes, child, I AM indeed thaT LieuTenanT Marion "Cobra" CobreTTi.
you're the disease, and i'm the cure


We're 5.5 years into this whole thing and still digging up embarrassing Pat lore.

God bless us, everyone!
It's especially funny since outside of his court dates, he's been practically a shut-in for the last four years. Never goes out with friends (he doesn't have any), doesn't do stand-up anymore, goes to only one or two Cons per year, banned from Hoolie's, etc. The only things he still does is go to The Garage during the day, goes to one Brewers game (home opener) per year, goes to A Christmas Carol play, and the aforementioned Cons. He doesn't even take vacations since Quasi smacked him down (no Brewers spring training this year is a tell). He has very little opportunity to create new lore yet this place always has new content.
It's especially funny since outside of his court dates, he's been practically a shut-in for the last four years. Never goes out with friends (he doesn't have any), doesn't do stand-up anymore, goes to only one or two Cons per year, banned from Hoolie's, etc. The only things he still does is go to The Garage during the day, goes to one Brewers game (home opener) per year, goes to A Christmas Carol play, and the aforementioned Cons. He doesn't even take vacations since Quasi smacked him down (no Brewers spring training this year is a tell). He has very little opportunity to create new lore yet this place always has new content.
Your forgot Brewers opening day, child. The grease in Nikki’s hair and the smell emanating from her crotch ensured we had empty seats all around us, Robert. You could say her twat smells like your sisters crotch in the morning, stlaker.


Your forgot Brewers opening day, child. The grease in Nikki’s hair and the smell emanating from her crotch ensured we had empty seats all around us, Robert. You could say her twat smells like your sisters crotch in the morning, stlaker.
I said "goes to one Brewers game (home opener) per year", child. I'm sorry you're so stupid. I can't help you.

Harry Powell

Semen is the aggression of a man
The lonely Pat bar pictures at these cons you can tell he’s boozing as soon as the bar opens while others are having typical day time drinks (coffee, water, Gatorade, energy drinks, etc) and you can even see the natural day light from the nearby windows. Nobody else is drinking at that time except him. His ego is already out of control but at these cons where he’s “somebody” (to a bunch of nobodies) he actually believes he’s David Lee Roth or Motley Crue in the 80s

Unfortunately I did witness a group of 4(?) soy boy faggots fawning over him while he chatted up that fat chick at the bar.


I don't have any reason to doubt Larry but i have a difficult time imagining Pat actually aggressively stepping to someone like that. It's too much like something Pat would say about himself.
This is what has me chin-scratching too. Clearly I need to go deeper into the lore. My understanding of this mammal is inadequate, bc I could never see him doing this even with liquid courage.

I wonder why Patrick is not in therapy? He loves victimhood, marinating in the idea of being a tortured intellectual, etc. It would appear that therapy would fit into self-image nicely, no?


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
Well, it looks like prison is awaiting Larry for SWATting Patrick and trying to get his family killed.

It's hard to look at Patrick's shamble of a life and not believing in karma. It's almost like endorsing the beating of conservative women, flipping off children behind their back, threatening to kill and then abandoning your own daughter, and years belittling, harassing and bullying strangers on Twitter simply for having different opinions is destined to have a negative consequence on you later.

Patrick deserves every failure and humiliation that he gets. You wanted to be famous, Rick? Enjoy being famous for being a bigger LOLcow than Chris Chan.

You've earned it, buddy.