Piggy's secret car blog and twitter account? Larps as a mechanic with the pen name "Torque Wheeler"


Ask handy-alpha-dude's-dude Torque Wheeler about the proper orientation of fence panels, the importance of obtaining proper permitting from the local municipality or what to do with that extra pressure-treated wood from the tear-down. Hey, I'm sure that car guru is likely a handy man's-man in other aspects of his life.

edit: Or enlist handy-bro to settle a bet with a (stupid, transphobe MAGA-bro neighbor) about recommending salt as a weed-killer for a vegetable garden.


couple more thoughts:
  • Maybe he and/or Nikki set the site up to learn Wordpress/ecommerce not to so much to make money selling items but to convince 1.1 GPA retards to pay for PostByGhost to make them a website. Looks like ass, neither of them has the right brain to be a developer, not even webdev. Niki is a woman and Pat is womanly and special ed.
  • his main is followed by a bunch of they/thems ladies that don't care about cars so his car autism underperforms in engagement. Making an alt, he thought, would allow him to tweet 200 times a day without us being able to point out how addicted he is and make fun of him
truly a fascinating character study

to be a fly on the wall the moment he found out the cat was out of the bag

I think people are overthinking it. He is tired of rascals butting into everything he does on Twitter so he made this account to talk cars without anyone trolling him. He made the website because he needs to have some "authority" on cars and when people call him out for not knowing shit, he will look more legitimate because he has a shitty website. With his Stealthygeek persona, he could always say I had this book published, I had this story in a magazine published, so I know what I'm talking about (even though he doesn't). He thinks the website adds legitimacy to his shitty car tweets.