Patrick GenCon 2023 panel footage just dropped


What you Torquin 'bout Wheelers

2:28. Patrick takes over the conversation and skips over the guy next to him, who looks like he wanted his turn to speak. Pat just KoolAid Mans his way thru him to lisp and enunciate about a job he no longer has.

btw, you can tell these are all respected authors by the way the questions they are answering are all “how can we do what you’re pretending to do for a living too?” Can you imagine anyone peppering John Grisham or Dean Koontz with idiotic requests for advice about how best to promote their own fan fiction?


2:28. Patrick takes over the conversation and skips over the guy next to him, who looks like he wanted his turn to speak. Pat just KoolAid Mans his way thru him to lisp and enunciate about a job he no longer has.

btw, you can tell these are all respected authors by the way the questions they are answering are all “how can we do what you’re pretending to do for a living too?” Can you imagine anyone peppering John Grisham or Dean Koontz with idiotic requests for advice about how best to promote their own fan fiction?
I have seen Ray Bradbury get asked essentially that kind of question before. His handlers basically ignored the question and moved on to the next one. You have to remember the audience for a panel like this is filled with aspiring Tomlinsons with the same level of tact.