Patrick GenCon 2023 panel footage just dropped


Self Styled Brothaman
He wore the Nostrahomo shirt for the Elon Musk is Full of Shit presentation from a year or so ago.
He wears it to all these conventions. See, it's geeky but only if you know what it's from. Stealthy like.

If you didn't know it was geeky, you'd just think it was a fat guy wearing an ill fitting Tshirt from some auto parts company you never heard of.


CakeHorn/Say "Cookie"/BonnieMcFarlaneMe2 Alt
All of them on the panel are yapping about promotion and marketing, and yet the uploader has not linked any of their books, Great promotion tactics retards.

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Fat bitch with faggot tits
Howard Jones is advising people save up and get a really awesome cover.


Every single one of these motherfuckers is a self-important, fart-huffing bullshit artist and every single one of them has titled at least one of their books "X of Y".
Patrick has "children of a dead earth", Lindberg wrote "Lords of Dyscrasia", Evans has "empire of exiles" and de Bie wrote "depths of madness", "Eye of justice" AND has a whole series called "World of ruin" consisting of "shadow of the winter king" and "shield of the summer prince"

Nice creative minds, stupids.
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