Patrick GenCon 2023 panel footage just dropped


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
This is why he never releases footage of his panels. These cons will let absolutely anyone present anything. The facade breaks when people see he’s talking to a room of 5 people.
Wrong as always, stlaker. He gave a presentation to hundreds about why elon musk is full of shit which ended in thundrous applause and shouts of "encore! encore!" so he could give them a taste of his military strategy for ukraine. Enjoy prison, where nobody will never know or care about your pathetic life, while I, am beloved by all.

Edit- I can't decide if I'm pat or a pat defender. Really getting lost in the sauce tiday.
@ 10:35, apparently his Xitter following isn't modest

@ 5:05 - edit, I cropped it better
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Wow, Pigger is more delusional than I ever could have imagined. Pat doesn't have a book deal, so all those angry tweets aren't exactly doing much for his "career". If anything, they've hurt it more than helped it. Pat's twitter is the biggest reason why he doesn't have a book deal coming in second only to being a shitty writer.


Wow, Pigger is more delusional than I ever could have imagined. Pat doesn't have a book deal, so all those angry tweets aren't exactly doing much for his "career". If anything, they've hurt it more than helped it. Pat's twitter is the biggest reason why he doesn't have a book deal coming in second only to being a shitty writer.
What the fuck are “tweets“ and “twitter“? You talking about xeets and Xitter, son?


That fucking hat, he looks ridiculous with it backwards it looks like it should have a propeller on it


Self Styled Brothaman
Lookit the sweat stain this hog left on the table:

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And nice impacted blackhead on your fucking
arm, ya dirty bastard

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Every single stitch line on his hat and shirt have tremendous stretch lines coming from them as they strain to contain this glutton's blubber. Buy a XXL shirt already, fucko, this is embarrassing to look at.