WWAWD NYC Jew Tunnels

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
These are hardcore Hasid. People think these are wealthy Jews, but the vast majority of them are dirt poor and on benefits. It's an extremely small percentage that accumulate all the wealth. This isn't me defending their culture either, the Hasidic population is notoriously aggressive to outsiders, only believe in home/religious schooling and there is rampant, unchecked sexual assaults in the community. I wouldn't be shocked to learn they were living in the tunnels to avoid rent.
They're inbred as shit, they marry their 12 year old daughters to their adult brother, and the only guys who are rich are the guys who make the stupid coats and hats.

Petworth dude

Owner declined entry
They're inbred as shit, they marry their 12 year old daughters to their adult brother, and the only guys who are rich are the guys who make the stupid coats and hats.
The "One of Us" documentary on Netflix is a decent look into their life...from a goyim's perspective


Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
Is there already a documentary where a normal persons embeds themselves into one of these Jew crews? Whether someone pretending to be, or better yet, ex practicing?

Turry Fawks

Good evening cowards
Is there already a documentary where a normal persons embeds themselves into one of these Jew crews? Whether someone pretending to be, or better yet, ex practicing?
I've seen some ex-Hasid videos, yeah. I can't imagine it's easy to infiltrate them - if you can't ooze a stinking golden sebum from your rectal scent glands you'll never get past their noses.
The "One of Us" documentary on Netflix is a decent look into their life...from a goyim's perspective

Why would anyone want to watch a documentary about these rats really?


The Night Time Attitude


Sue Lightning

Alright everyone whats more feasible:

A bunch of immigrants who believe in antiquated shit are fucking uppity and don’t follow our nations rules. They wanted to build a tunnel so they built a tunnel.


The jews made a tunnel to rape kids.

I hate this shit. I go back to what Louis CK said to Patrice about the illuminati. “Yes, the Bush and Clinton families go to Bohemian Grove and fuck each other in the butt. But this isn’t a secret you don’t need to fold a fucking dollar to figure that out.”

If you believe the jews control everything, the media covers for them, the politicians ignore them, the laws let them do whatever, why the fuck do they need a tunnel to rape kids? They can’t just do it in their homes or the church? Ah but the tunnels were used to transport kids! And they can’t do that in the open, even though they can supposedly do whatever they want?