WWAWD NYC Jew Tunnels

Dont shit on retail workers man! They really trying their hardest to survive, my dude!

This fucking place really has become reddit part deux. Fuck retail workers, every society needs ditch diggers, gammas and omegas in brave new world.
you stack shampoo bottles because you’re dumb or made fucked up choices (dumb).
Faggots, the lot of ya.
Go dovid.
we need some jew venom in this hugbox

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niggers and leeches around the likes of pat and joe cumia and we should be mad at folks that actually works?


The Night Time Attitude
Those kind of Jews ask secular

These are hardcore Hasid. People think these are wealthy Jews, but the vast majority of them are dirt poor and on benefits. It's an extremely small percentage that accumulate all the wealth. This isn't me defending their culture either, the Hasidic population is notoriously aggressive to outsiders, only believe in home/religious schooling and there is rampant, unchecked sexual assaults in the community. I wouldn't be shocked to learn they were living in the tunnels to avoid rent.
These are hardcore Hasid. People think these are wealthy Jews, but the vast majority of them are dirt poor and on benefits. It's an extremely small percentage that accumulate all the wealth. This isn't me defending their culture either, the Hasidic population is notoriously aggressive to outsiders, only believe in home/religious schooling and there is rampant, unchecked sexual assaults in the community. I wouldn't be shocked to learn they were living in the tunnels to avoid rent.


But don't you think that their religion and culture is representative of simply a more pure form of Jewishness?


Still spreading the O&A virus
These are hardcore Hasid. People think these are wealthy Jews, but the vast majority of them are dirt poor and on benefits.
Yeah but these jews run the largest orthodox jewish group in the world that has connections to major politicians including presidents and prime ministers. These guys would make appearances with people like Tony Blair or George W. Bush regularly. They should have been in control over a few hundred million dollars in U.S. bank accounts easily.

These are not the dirt poor ghetto jews. But the ones who own every other building in NYC. This group was regularly meeting with Clinton and Gore and you can find videos of Al Gore visiting them or wishing their various rabbis an individual happy birthday. Them digging a tunnel has to be to hoard something on their own. Stolen money, weapons, human trafficking. There were mattresses covered in blood likely where someone was sleeping or raped.

But don't you think that their religion and culture is representative of simply a more pure form of Jewishness?
Mainstream, Ashkenazi-friendly Zionism is far more ethnocentric than Hasid's. The baseline of ethnic supremacy is the fundamental principle guiding literally all sects and aspects of Judaism. It's the foundational tenant of everything they believe. Without ethnic supremacy, there is no such thing as Judaism.

And just so we're clear, by "supremacy" I don't mean "supremacy" in the way that Jews describe white nationalists as "supremacists," in which case "supremacy" just means "desire to be left alone." I mean actual, everyone is cattle meant to serve the Master Race literal fucking supremacy.

If anything Hasid's are more tolerable and less ambitious insofar as ethnic destruction of the goyum. They just smell worse. Don't let anyone convince you that these people are just the extremists. Prime Minister Netanyahu went to the below fella's funeral and called him "one of the great Torah scholars of his generation."

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This why we need to reform zoning laws and build more housing, so people aren't forced to live in underground tunnels #YIMBY

Just rezone some commercial office space. People are working from home and there's a rent/housing crisis.