WWAWD NYC Jew Tunnels


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Alright everyone whats more feasible:

A bunch of immigrants who believe in antiquated shit are fucking uppity and don’t follow our nations rules. They wanted to build a tunnel so they built a tunnel.


The jews made a tunnel to rape kids.

I hate this shit. I go back to what Louis CK said to Patrice about the illuminati. “Yes, the Bush and Clinton families go to Bohemian Grove and fuck each other in the butt. But this isn’t a secret you don’t need to fold a fucking dollar to figure that out.”

If you believe the jews control everything, the media covers for them, the politicians ignore them, the laws let them do whatever, why the fuck do they need a tunnel to rape kids? They can’t just do it in their homes or the church? Ah but the tunnels were used to transport kids! And they can’t do that in the open, even though they can supposedly do whatever they want?
You're using a strawman.

If they did it in the open, there would be awareness. Awareness of the Jew is the Jew's worst enemy. It's why the Nazis made them wear Stars of David.

What you will see is that nothing major will come of this. However, if tunnels with mattresses were found under a Catholic church, the FBI would be in there, that church would be off limits and the mainstream media would be reporting about how priests were molesting kids in tunnels. They would NOT be speculating that these were COVID tunnels.

Instead, the MSM will find other stories and move on, and any actual truth that comes out of this will not see any major light of day.

Call a Jew a scoundrel or a liar and it goes off of them like water off a duck's back. Call them a Jew, and they exclaim, "I've been found out!"
Alright everyone whats more feasible:

A bunch of immigrants who believe in antiquated shit are fucking uppity and don’t follow our nations rules. They wanted to build a tunnel so they built a tunnel.


The jews made a tunnel to rape kids.

I hate this shit. I go back to what Louis CK said to Patrice about the illuminati. “Yes, the Bush and Clinton families go to Bohemian Grove and fuck each other in the butt. But this isn’t a secret you don’t need to fold a fucking dollar to figure that out.”

If you believe the jews control everything, the media covers for them, the politicians ignore them, the laws let them do whatever, why the fuck do they need a tunnel to rape kids? They can’t just do it in their homes or the church? Ah but the tunnels were used to transport kids! And they can’t do that in the open, even though they can supposedly do whatever they want?

You tell me Suester.


The Night Time Attitude
Alright everyone whats more feasible:

A bunch of immigrants who believe in antiquated shit are fucking uppity and don’t follow our nations rules. They wanted to build a tunnel so they built a tunnel.


The jews made a tunnel to rape kids.

I hate this shit. I go back to what Louis CK said to Patrice about the illuminati. “Yes, the Bush and Clinton families go to Bohemian Grove and fuck each other in the butt. But this isn’t a secret you don’t need to fold a fucking dollar to figure that out.”

If you believe the jews control everything, the media covers for them, the politicians ignore them, the laws let them do whatever, why the fuck do they need a tunnel to rape kids? They can’t just do it in their homes or the church? Ah but the tunnels were used to transport kids! And they can’t do that in the open, even though they can supposedly do whatever they want?
The jews made a tunnel to rape kids.

Sue Lightning

“Jews need to stay hidden to retain power” as you all posts pictures, easily available, of jewish people sucking baby penis. Yeah, what hidden degeneracy.

Does no one see what i’m saying? They suck baby penis proudly. Why the fuck do they need tunnels to rape kids? They already rape kids in bath houses and shit. Thats not very hidden. They control the MSM and supposedly everything. You can rape kids in a bathhouse and have no one report on it without having to dig a fucking tunnel, attracting the attention of the police, state and local government, and the news. How is that staying hidden? What a good plan because we all know about it now.

“My enemy is hard to spot but also very obviously in the open”


The Backbone of America
If my mattress was all stained up I'd throw it the fuck out and get a new one. I've fucked squirters on the thing and sweated out nasty fevers. Sheets aren't just for fucking through, you put them on the bed. Are these filthy pieces of shit just oozing fluids as they sleep?

"My mattress is covered in piss and grime and yours probably is too.

You're welcome."

Fucking GOT US, Shloime. Nice name that sounds like "Slimey", stupid.

Petworth dude

Owner declined entry
Here's a list of the kids they arrested. They're all between 19 and 22.


(NewsNation) — The NYPD has released the names of those arrested after they attempted to stop an illegally dug tunnel connected to a Brooklyn synagogue from being filled in.

Those arrested are:

  • Noam Dahan, 20, Criminal mischief and reckless endangerment
  • David Hayon, 22, Criminal mischief and reckless endangerment
  • Henachem Mulakando, 19, Criminal mischief and reckless endangerment
  • Shmuel Malka, 19, Criminal mischief, reckless endangerment and obstruction of governmental administration.
  • Dov Bear Shenhav, 20, attempted hate crime/criminal mischief and attempted reckless endangerment.
  • Blumenfeld Yerachmiel, 20, attempted hate crime/criminal mischief and attempted reckless endangerment.
  • Menachem Klieman, 19, attempted criminal mischief and attempted reckless endangerment.
  • Menachem Koopsnik, 21, attempted criminal mischief and attempted reckless endangerment.
  • Levi Ytzhak Lahav, 20, attempted criminal mischief and attempted reckless endangerment.

Sue Lightning

Here's a list of the kids they arrested. They're all between 19 and 22.


(NewsNation) — The NYPD has released the names of those arrested after they attempted to stop an illegally dug tunnel connected to a Brooklyn synagogue from being filled in.

Those arrested are:

  • Noam Dahan, 20, Criminal mischief and reckless endangerment
  • David Hayon, 22, Criminal mischief and reckless endangerment
  • Henachem Mulakando, 19, Criminal mischief and reckless endangerment
  • Shmuel Malka, 19, Criminal mischief, reckless endangerment and obstruction of governmental administration.
  • Dov Bear Shenhav, 20, attempted hate crime/criminal mischief and attempted reckless endangerment.
  • Blumenfeld Yerachmiel, 20, attempted hate crime/criminal mischief and attempted reckless endangerment.
  • Menachem Klieman, 19, attempted criminal mischief and attempted reckless endangerment.
  • Menachem Koopsnik, 21, attempted criminal mischief and attempted reckless endangerment.
  • Levi Ytzhak Lahav, 20, attempted criminal mischief and attempted reckless endangerment.
Hold on why am I seeing this on the news? Why are they releasing the names? I thought the jews wanted this to stay hidden. I guess they shouldn’t have built a big ass fucking tunnel then.
Hold on why am I seeing this on the news? Why are they releasing the names? I thought the jews wanted this to stay hidden. I guess they shouldn’t have built a big ass fucking tunnel then.
The kids raping thing is a little bit far fetched, but why would these "people" want to live in the sewers like a bunch of rats? Even if the covid restriction thing is true didn't they put many folks in jail for that stupid shit?


I Don’t Simpsons simp…
Alright everyone whats more feasible:

A bunch of immigrants who believe in antiquated shit are fucking uppity and don’t follow our nations rules. They wanted to build a tunnel so they built a tunnel.


The jews made a tunnel to rape kids.

I hate this shit. I go back to what Louis CK said to Patrice about the illuminati. “Yes, the Bush and Clinton families go to Bohemian Grove and fuck each other in the butt. But this isn’t a secret you don’t need to fold a fucking dollar to figure that out.”

If you believe the jews control everything, the media covers for them, the politicians ignore them, the laws let them do whatever, why the fuck do they need a tunnel to rape kids? They can’t just do it in their homes or the church? Ah but the tunnels were used to transport kids! And they can’t do that in the open, even though they can supposedly do whatever they want?
I love that you quoted a perverted jew to prove your point...

Sue Lightning

The kids raping thing is a little bit far fetched, but why would these "people" want to live in the sewers like a bunch of rats? Even if the covid restriction thing is true didn't they put many folks in jail for that stupid shit?
Again - They’re backwards, uppity fucking niggers. Look at that video where they pull the guy from the tunnel to arrest him and they all start swarming the cops, only backing off after being pepper sprayed. They’re entitled. “We want to build a tunnel, so we did, and you can’t do anything about it now”


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
“Jews need to stay hidden to retain power” as you all posts pictures, easily available, of jewish people sucking baby penis. Yeah, what hidden degeneracy.

Does no one see what i’m saying? They suck baby penis proudly. Why the fuck do they need tunnels to rape kids? They already rape kids in bath houses and shit. Thats not very hidden. They control the MSM and supposedly everything. You can rape kids in a bathhouse and have no one report on it without having to dig a fucking tunnel, attracting the attention of the police, state and local government, and the news. How is that staying hidden? What a good plan because we all know about it now.

“My enemy is hard to spot but also very obviously in the open”
Normies don't see the baby penis sucking pictures and 99% of them still don't know about it.

If they did, opinions would change.

Also, it's not as black-and-white as you make it to be. Jews will sacrifice other Jews in order to protect the collective. That's why Israeli hostages were killed in Gaza, that's why Harvey Weinstein is in prison, etc.

I agree with you that those of us who make the Jews out to be infallible are overstating things. Jews make mistakes all the time. But again, it's not an either or. On the Kike Hate thread I've shown how this specific story is being censored. Shabbos Goy like Tim Pool are also covering for it, and of course there's also the COVID misdirection featured on Reddit which is painfully obvious to anyone who knows how Jews operate.

Tim Pool didn't tweet that by accident.

The White pill here is that no matter how much power they have, they can never hide their kikery completely. More people than ever know about their true nature and that's only going to grow as time goes on and society and culture get worse and worse.
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The gunslinger.
No shit I thought I needed to cool it on the jew shit because it wasn’t worth the mind space it puts you in and then I opened Twitter and saw Gargamel climbing out of the sewer in jew tunnels and just realised I can’t escape it if I tried.

They are the enemy of reason, they combat nature and goodness. They scurry underground in tunnels for their own inexplicable purposes in civilised counties they’re infiltrating. Nobody forced them to live in the sewers like Frank Reynolds and Charlie Kelly, they just do it anyway.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
No shit I thought I needed to cool it on the jew shit because it wasn’t worth the mind space it puts you in and then I opened Twitter and saw Gargamel climbing out of the sewer in jew tunnels and just realised I can’t escape it if I tried.

They are the enemy of reason, they combat nature and goodness. They scurry underground in tunnels for their own inexplicable purposes in civilised counties they’re infiltrating. Nobody forced them to live in the sewers like Frank Reynolds and Charlie Kelly, they just do it anyway.
Auschwitz was an upgrade for most of the prisoners there.


The gunslinger.
Auschwitz was an upgrade for most of the prisoners there.

There isn’t really a grand scheme either, they just want to destroy everything good and sacred. It’s their nature.

There is no joy, or wholesome love in them. That’s why all the philosopher/athiest Jews love to make everyone beleive there’s only eternal blackness with no meaning. They just want to smother out anything light, and bright, anything good and clean and pure. It has to be murky darkness and internal struggles about fucking mothers and cold dead universes.