WWAWD NYC Jew Tunnels

They hired illegal mexicans to dig their fucking jew holes ahahahahahaha


Knee Deep in the Hoopla
I don’t buy the “extremist teens” angle they are trying to peddle. So none of the adults noticed immigrants coming through and digging on the other side of the thin paneled walls? Or heard the Spanish babbling?

Why are there crib mattresses in there? I’m not buying any narrative the media puts out.
You don't believe the migrants carried out a few pocket fulls of dirt each day so nobody noticed what was going on? This post is anti-semetic!

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
LOL just got a talking to by HR today for talking about the tunnels. Some coward made an anonymous gmail account and emailed them about my noticing. HR just laughed and told me nothings happening because the faggot went about HR reporting wrong. GOYIM WINS
Are you in an office full of jews or can you figure out which sniveling kike it was?

Hudson Margera-Hughes

Heyyyy, HELLHOLE ADLsters...
I wonder how mad it made Sacha Baron Cohen that in Borat people were just unironically laughing at the antisemitism
Doesn't bother him one bit as long as he is the profiteer off MUH ANTI-SEMITISM it's all aces to him. Get rich from ghetto Jews dying while trying is all that matters. George Soros epitomizes that cannibalistic Jewish behavior in the modern day. He learned all the tricks of the Jewish trade during the holohoax.

Turry Fawks

Good evening cowards
LOL just got a talking to by HR today for talking about the tunnels. Some coward made an anonymous gmail account and emailed them about my noticing. HR just laughed and told me nothings happening because the faggot went about HR reporting wrong. GOYIM WINS
I'd have threatened repercussions for even bothering me with unsubstantiated rumors about my conduct. "Oh you can't even do anything about it? Then what am I doing here?"

I lived with a coworker once and threatened to beat the shit out of him while we were at home. He tattled at work and they brought me in for a talk. All I did was ask them if he told them where it happened and when they said yes I told them I was done talking.

Women are stupit as hell.