The Queen is dying



What's the deal with that monarchy? Is it really just for show or do they still hold onto some kind of power? Where do the Rothschilds and the City of London figure into it? It's a subject I've heard different things about but never cared enough to look into. All I know is Charles and some of the other royal fags were all in on pushing new world order talking points.
What's the deal with that monarchy? Is it really just for show or do they still hold onto some kind of power? Where do the Rothschilds and the City of London figure into it? It's a subject I've heard different things about but never cared enough to look into. All I know is Charles and some of the other royal fags were all in on pushing new world order talking points.

They function as ambassadors and lite diplomats basically.


Prince Phillip was hilarious.


I immediately lose respect for any American that cares about the Royal Family. They get paid by their citizens to do nothing. Rich spoiled assholes that have nothing in common with the working class that pays for them because they were born into the right family. I’m surprised they haven’t been cancelled since they are the definition of privilege.
When you have real power you can buy the kind of influence that will convince the world colonialism, slavery and the massacre of countless cultures in the name of planting flags was an act conceived by the entire western populace and not a dozen or so born to rule, inbread pony fuckers. It got little press but the royal family passed laws exempting them from the racial discrimination act. If McDonalds had attempted this it would have been a global boycott. When the queen did it, barely a word spoken. Also she sold the UK's mineral rights away and put the money in the royal private account when the country is about to go bankrupt and get asset stripped by China like Grece back in early 2000s. Stupid fucking Brits didn't even notice.


I think she's sane to want nothing to do with royal shite but then had to ruin it by being a typical modern American wellness speak type person. If she just said "this is all fucking silly but I love the ginger fella" she would be popular

He's a lost cause simp
Nah, she wanted the ballgowns and glitz but didn't realise that 90% of it was opening up a new sewage treatment plant in Daventry and pretending to be interested in the peons who worked there. Once she learned that she started planning her way out. And as she has nothing else to fall back on she used the fact that she's kind of a bit black to paint herself as a victim. You're a Brit too. You'll remember that all media coverage of her was 100% positive until she started whining about how hard her life was. No one likes a moaner, especially us.

Harry is a total pussy though, agreed.
Nah, she wanted the ballgowns and glitz but didn't realise that 90% of it was opening up a new sewage treatment plant in Daventry and pretending to be interested in the peons who worked there. Once she learned that she started planning her way out. And as she has nothing else to fall back on she used the fact that she's kind of a bit black to paint herself as a victim. You're a Brit too. You'll remember that all media coverage of her was 100% positive until she started whining about how hard her life was. No one likes a moaner, especially us.

Harry is a total pussy though, agreed.
Most of that is total guess work led by the press. Who the fuck knows what she expected but I don't blame any of them for not wanting a part of it. I wish they would all say nah and quit on mass.