The Queen is dying


Dirty Bastard
HP is mandatory in a sausage or bacon sandwich. It's basically a thicker A1 steak sauce, which I recently learned was also originally British.


posting here is taking time away from my workouts
Blacks tend to think Lincoln freed the slaves, but that's not exactly true. His action was a reaction to other global events.

30 years earlier, by royal decree, the British ended slavery as we know it. They were so committed that the royal navy had to go around raiding African villages because the blacks were still selling blacks and the Brits wouldn't have it.

Your modern black person has two major institutions that have done a lot for them:

1. The British Monarchy
2.The US welfare system

Hating the queen as someone with African heritage is a sure sign you have been brainwashed. Even "colonialism", there's parts of Africa the British left and they immediately decended into eating each other and hacking off heads and clits. I'm sure the 16 year old african girl with a mutilated vagina isn't c complaining about the queen's colonialism


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Onaforums when they have a team of oxen pulling Fat’s pine box. And no, fat child, this isn’t a death threat. I hope you live a long one filled with tweets, five guys double cheeseburgers, shit beer and awful meatloaf. Gah bless.
