The Queen is dying


Stand Alone Fruit
Oh no not the Queen! All news stations need to cover this story meticulously and forget about that black guy who went on a racially motivated killing spree of whites last night.
CNN is on at my workplace and this is exactly what they’ve done. So far today they only mentioned the Memphis shooting for 5 minutes and everything else has been the Queen. Memphis will be on the news tonight then never mentioned again because he was a N person.


Stand Alone Fruit
She spent the last year of her life paying millions to silence a child prostitute from taking her son to civil trial and then tried to bring him back into the fold of the Royal family.

Time to wrap this monarchy shit up.
I immediately lose respect for any American that cares about the Royal Family. They get paid by their citizens to do nothing. Rich spoiled assholes that have nothing in common with the working class that pays for them because they were born into the right family. I’m surprised they haven’t been cancelled since they are the definition of privilege.

