Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.


The video:

How can you not love this kid?

I just realized that there are several videos to the interview. Here they are:

Bashing his first lawyers Lin Wood and John Pierce for raising enough bail money but keeping him in jail and a good quote, "It was the right to self defense on trial":

Kyle's future plans, has protection right now:

Kyle's pissed about the prosecutorial misconduct, throws Kraus under the bus for having Handbrake on his laptop (oopsie doodles) and calls Binger an opportunistic liar:

What jail was like:

They didn't say their goodbyes in that last video so I'm guessing more videos will get uploaded. If they do I'll add them to this post.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
I just realized that there are several videos to the interview. Here they are:

Bashing his first lawyers Lin Wood and John Pierce for raising enough bail money but keeping him in jail and a good quote, "It was the right to self defense on trial":

Kyle's future plans, has protection right now:

Kyle's pissed about the prosecutorial misconduct, throws Kraus under the bus for having Handbrake on his laptop (oopsie doodles) and calls Binger an opportunistic liar:

What jail was like:

They didn't say their goodbyes in that last video so I'm guessing more videos will get uploaded. If they do I'll add them to this post.

Just like the trial, it's all too gay to watch for more than a few seconds. Listening to his gay voice is hilarious, it sounds like he's puling a drag queen impersonation and about to get back to normal, but it never happens, he continues to speak like a joke version of a faggot. Sensual, homosexual latino gay male with a savior complex and an IQ beneath 96


Just like the trial, it's all too gay to watch for more than a few seconds. Listening to his gay voice is hilarious, it sounds like he's puling a drag queen impersonation and about to get back to normal, but it never happens, he continues to speak like a joke version of a faggot. Sensual, homosexual latino gay male with a savior complex and an IQ beneath 96
You say odd things sometimes.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
The trial was very interesting. The political nature of it was way over the top, and Rittenhouse, while not walking off into the sunset, still had his life on the line.
The outcome was some dumb latino zoomer eating BLM talking point cock and shitting on his supporters. I don't begrudge him that though, he was a retard from the beginning and too dumb to even grasp why they supported him, let alone how his actions factored into this narrative. Anyone who really cared about him are the true cucks, and they're taking their medicine while they watch the Tucker interviews

Moron faggots