Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


Lin Wood saying Kyle should stay in jail rather than get bailed out. Source.



This isn't directed at anyone specific in this thread, just a response to the general comments I've heard about how people are mad Rittenhouse says he supports BLM.

Tucker asked him if his shootings had anything to do with race, what the fuck else is he supposed to reply with you fucking retards? He said it in passing, "I'm not a racist person, I support BLM, etc". Jesus fucking Christ, you people are worse than the leftwingers who turn against their own as soon as they say something slightly politically incorrect. Faggots.

Just like the faggots who hate Tucker Carlson because he isn't using his platform to call out the jews. You're fucking deranged.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
This isn't directed at anyone specific in this thread, just a response to the general comments I've heard about how people are mad Rittenhouse says he supports BLM.

Tucker asked him if his shootings had anything to do with race, what the fuck else is he supposed to reply with you fucking retards? He said it in passing, "I'm not a racist person, I support BLM, etc". Jesus fucking Christ, you people are worse than the leftwingers who turn against their own as soon as they say something slightly politically incorrect. Faggots.

Just like the faggots who hate Tucker Carlson because he isn't using his platform to call out the jews. You're fucking deranged.
They get distracted by race, which is what the Jews they hate want them to do. It completely consumes them, like with Anthony.


This isn't directed at anyone specific in this thread, just a response to the general comments I've heard about how people are mad Rittenhouse says he supports BLM.

Tucker asked him if his shootings had anything to do with race, what the fuck else is he supposed to reply with you fucking retards? He said it in passing, "I'm not a racist person, I support BLM, etc". Jesus fucking Christ, you people are worse than the leftwingers who turn against their own as soon as they say something slightly politically incorrect. Faggots.

Just like the faggots who hate Tucker Carlson because he isn't using his platform to call out the jews. You're fucking deranged.

Bingo. All he was saying is he supports the protests, just not when they are looting, murdering, shooting, burning down cities etc. I mean the same could be said about me. Protest all you want just keep your shit to yourself and go home before midnight.


Tucker Carlson is a fake faggot who used to chastise people for questioning 911 and Iraq. Nice gay laugh, stupid. He’s all about his career and absolutely nothing else. He’s just milking boomer retards who can’t quit cable news. Im glad Kyle is free but the only reason it’s getting so much attention is it’s a story that will no doubt divide people and that’s what the Jews want. The fact he was already making this whole production while this kid was on trial for his life shows the selfishness involved. I hope this kid learns to keep away from all media. Fox is just as bad as CNN.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Just like the trial, it's all too gay to watch for more than a few seconds. Listening to his gay voice is hilarious, it sounds like he's puling a drag queen impersonation and about to get back to normal, but it never happens, he continues to speak like a joke version of a faggot. Sensual, homosexual latino gay male with a savior complex and an IQ beneath 96
How many pedos have you killed?


This isn't directed at anyone specific in this thread, just a response to the general comments I've heard about how people are mad Rittenhouse says he supports BLM.

Tucker asked him if his shootings had anything to do with race, what the fuck else is he supposed to reply with you fucking retards? He said it in passing, "I'm not a racist person, I support BLM, etc". Jesus fucking Christ, you people are worse than the leftwingers who turn against their own as soon as they say something slightly politically incorrect. Faggots.

He's an idealistic kid with a target on his back so it's not shocking he made those statements. I think he'll get redpilled someday. Regardless, I hope he soon realizes this apology tour is a bad idea and will retreat into a quiet life.