Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Don't know why but I want to make love to her. Not fuck her but kiss her and shit while slow pumping her without breaking eye contact. Am not even a chubby chaser.

I wouldn't discriminate.

Gene Simmons fucked Yvonne DeCarlo in her late fifties. While I can't stand that Fuck, I get why he did it. Maybe it wasn't prime Yvonne DeCarlo, but he can die saying he still FUCKED Yvonne DeCarlo.

You give me a fifty year old Rita Hayworth, I'm not gonna pass her up. I'm fucking her out of RESPECT.

Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, I'd pump Lady Lawyer, for the goof.


Esteemed defense expert attorney Andrew Branca is fucking hilarious. Here he is accusing Binger of being a gay pedophile and child rapist:

the context starts at 32:02. He's in the middle of the top row:

Branca is on a roll from 32:03 - 34:13

Edit: At 35:52, accuses Binger of having a Kyle Rittenhouse in a swimsuit poster above his bed lol.
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Happy Anniversary.


medium wyzzz

Also, Rittenhouse is just a gay retard who wanted attention; he got his 15 minutes of fame, and we'll see him again in 15 to 20 years when he converts to Judaism and works for the NRA (which I'm sure righttards are gonna say is trying to give crazy libs guns by that time).