Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


He seems like a good kid, but he knows what he's saying in this interview. It wasn't very candid with the exception of him blasting his original attorneys. When he says 'it wasn't me on trial, it was the right to self defense...' it makes me think @Tony is right and he'll be hanging with Kirk, Shapiro, and Tim Pool soon
100% he'll be talking to Shapiro and Crowder at some point.


May St. Mel bless you
The kid killed 3 criminal jews one of which was a pedo, but now people want to turn on him because he's playing the game? He's only 18, yet has done more for the "cause" then 99% of so called white supremacist ever will...
Most white supremacists will die childless. The white people who are doing to the most to carry the white race are super religious types like Mormons. And those hard core Christians are also open border fucks.

Most white supremacists whine about kikes while consuming the same kike media 24/7 as normies.

Most white supremacists aren't fit to clean the jizz off the sheets after Kyle plows the girlfriend of the guy he killed.


Most white supremacists will die childless. The white people who are doing to the most to carry the white race are super religious types like Mormons. And those hard core Christians are also open border fucks.

Most white supremacists whine about kikes while consuming the same kike media 24/7 as normies.

Most white supremacists aren't fit to clean the jizz off the sheets after Kyle plows the girlfriend of the guy he killed.
Well said!


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
The video:

How can you not love this kid?

He's very calm and collected here. What happened to his PTSD?

I know I'm heading into Downrib City by saying this, but this interview makes me question whether Kyle is the cutie pie cherub we all assumed him to be. Now that we know he can recite canned answers, how much longer will it be until we see him on the Young Turks stumping for trans rights or some shit?

I'd respect him more if he just faded back into normal life and wasn't immediately vored up into the Jew media matrix.


The kid killed 3 criminal jews one of which was a pedo, but now people want to turn on him because he's playing the game? He's only 18, yet has done more for the "cause" then 99% of so called white supremacist ever will...
I never liked that term since it's been so twisted by the jew. I really don't give a shit who's better than who, I just don't want niggers and mexilards in my country. These spics come here and just become nigger avatars as they adopt the same exact "culture." They're nearly as bad as niggers with welfare and crime. The average nigger costs the taxpayer over 700k in their life time and spics cost an average of over 600k. Whites on average contribute 240k. So it takes three Whites to support one shit ape sitting on their porch smoking dope their entire life.


I never liked that term since it's been so twisted by the jew. I really don't give a shit who's better than who, I just don't want niggers and mexilards in my country. These spics come here and just become nigger avatars as they adopt the same exact "culture." They're nearly as bad as niggers with welfare and crime. The average nigger costs the taxpayer over 700k in their life time and spics cost an average of over 600k. Whites on average contribute 240k. So it takes three Whites to support one shit ape sitting on their porch smoking dope their entire life.
Worth the enrichment.


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
I'd respect him more if he just faded back into normal life and wasn't immediately vored up into the Jew media matrix.
Kyle who?


People who are outraged about our boy supporting BLM -- assuming actual people do and the media isn't promoting a false narrative -- ironically fell for the same media bullshit about Kyle being a white supremacist that the left fell for.
He's been slandered as being a WS and being in a militia. Did people really think he's sit in front of Tucker and say I hate niggers? He's got lawsuits to win.