Nazi artist redecorates Rick's Rustang



It's 2. Pat has a history of false flags ( voice mail death threats, erasable marker) and the fact that this didn't do any actual damage fits his MO of being too much of a pussy to actually do something drastic.
Don't forget the random fake account that popped up here threatening him during the lolsuit that coincidentally got cited in the court documents. It posted poorly written stuff like "I'm gonna go beat him up in Milwaukee," with none of the trademark funster humor, just like this dumb paint can and the Twitter account. It's almost impossible that it wasn't him, but even if it wasn't somehow, it definitely wasn't someone from here.
Pat lurks the forum. Why would he differentiate between people in the kike hate thread and any other part of the site?
That's exactly the point. None of the twitter/reddit users who message him ever claim to be a Nazi so it would be out of place for them to suddenly do so, unless they specifically wanted to be charged with a hate crime. But if you're Pat, you can mix users up because "who cares, they visit the same general website", you might conclude that "all my stalkers are Nazis" and therefore use swastikas for your false flag.
That's exactly the point. None of the twitter/reddit users who message him ever claim to be a Nazi so it would be out of place for them to suddenly do so, unless they specifically wanted to be charged with a hate crime. But if you're Pat, you can mix users up because "who cares, they visit the same general website", you might conclude that "all my stalkers are Nazis" and therefore use swastikas for your false flag.

When Gavin came up with the idea for The Proud Boys on Compound media, he basically said that "there's a huge demand for Nazis in the media, but there are nearly no Nazis." In the next sentence he basically implied that he was going to create a Honeypot for Nazis (aka "The Proud Boys") to troll the media.

That didn't work out to well for him, but that was the general idea. Create a group of folks that would piss off guys like Fatrick, and use outrage from both sides to drive traffic to his show.

It's basically the same schtick that Vice magazine would do. They'd send some reporter to Afghanistan, the reporter would act as if he was interested in learning about the locals, and then they'd take the video back to Brooklyn and edit it to make everyone on all sides look like lolcows.

Prison Enjoyer

Status: Enjoying Prison! 😁
Patrick has just tweeted out a NEW photo of the paint can, exposing that his squealing about it being "handed over to the MPD as criminal evidence" was a LIE

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
The writing is interesting. It makes it very obvious how this person writes their letters. That big blotchy dot is where they start the line most likely. The vandal starts the t at the bottom and then does the cross right to left. Kind of a strange way of writing.

I wonder how much a forensic handwriting analyst would charge to examine all the writing samples. What was the name of the broad that was on da show? I figure if one is hired it might as well be a show reference.