Nazi artist redecorates Rick's Rustang


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
Whoever is responsible really wanted Pat to know that they're a Nazi. Very convenient for Pat, who insists he is fighting Nazis despite none of his alleged stalkers ever claiming to be a Nazi.
Pat tweeted that a white supremacist came to his door to confront him before the whole Norm tweet

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Pat tweeted that a white supremacist came to his door to confront him before the whole Norm tweet


How does that feel?!
The writing is interesting. It makes it very obvious how this person writes their letters. That big blotchy dot is where they start the line most likely. The vandal starts the t at the bottom and then does the cross right to left. Kind of a strange way of writing.

I wonder how much a forensic handwriting analyst would charge to examine all the writing samples. What was the name of the broad that was on da show? I figure if one is hired it might as well be a show reference.

did he write "T O A S T " backwards in an attempt to hide his writing ? either that or he writes his A's rather confusing.
I understand why he wouldn't want to chuck that thing threw a window, but he couldn't even commit to getting some paint on Susan. How hard is it for him to do the bare minimum of making it seem believable?
He claims there was paint on his Rustang but it washed off. This tub of goo talking about a weak arm is rib shattering



The writing is interesting. It makes it very obvious how this person writes their letters. That big blotchy dot is where they start the line most likely. The vandal starts the t at the bottom and then does the cross right to left. Kind of a strange way of writing.

I wonder how much a forensic handwriting analyst would charge to examine all the writing samples. What was the name of the broad that was on da show? I figure if one is hired it might as well be a show reference.
The technical term is forensic graphology. The boys had handwriting analyst Michelle Dresbold take a peak at intern David's awful clawmarks (33:25):


Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
He claims there was paint on his Rustang but it washed off. This tub of goo talking about a weak arm is rib shattering

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Accusing multiple people of doing the same crime is going to really help him if he ends up in court about it. First Dan did it now he blames this person. Cops will never take him seriously when he points the finger at everyone that shit talks him.


Portly Pepperoni Purveyor
He washed it off but didn't take pictures...he sounds like Lebron when he painted nigger on his gate but washed it off so his teenage sons wouldn't see it or some gay reason.

just casually washed off the fast drying gloss paint 12 hours after the fact.
had to "wet sand and polish" marker pen off of his bike.


Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
just casually washed off the fast drying gloss paint 12 hours after the fact.
had to "wet sand and polish" marker pen off of his bike.

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If he actually hit it with a hose when it was wet, then it would come off pretty easy. Its a latex paint so water would cut through it pretty easy. If he waited til 1230pm the next afternoon then there would have been some problems.

Id love to hear the conversation pat has with the police when they ask for any evidence/proof of his accusations and pat becomes difficult because they dont just take his word for it. " We arent going to fly to Mass to arrest Dan just because you said so."