Nazi artist redecorates Rick's Rustang


Self Styled Brothaman
Exactly. It's never Niko's asshole or Cumia jokes or pepperoni or Scorch or anything that could remotely be considered an inside joke among the forum.

It's always just "GRRR I AM A NAZI SS 1488 SWASTIKA" and then random shit like "TOAST" or "GAY VIRGIN".
He doesn't get any of the jokes and doesn't ever want to actually insult himself, while also desperate to tie Nazism, cult religions and criminality to jokes on here.... So it all adds up to his weird attempts which look like AI gibberish. There's never been a convincing "attack" on his house because the bit here has never been to attack his house or swat him or anything like that. He's trying to mash two completely disparate things together in his hoaxes.
Is this near Fatso's hovel?



Portly Pepperoni Purveyor
It's the same brand but a different can. The one Niki's holding has 32 Fl Oz (1 Qt) while the vandal one is 1 Qt (32 Fl Oz)

Speculation being that the label printed on the nazi can is old. It has since been updated.
The nazi's didnt even purchase a new can of paint to send their message. They just used one they had laying around from when they painted their deck a few years ago.


Life of my story
Speculation being that the label printed on the nazi can is old. It has since been updated.
The nazi's didnt even purchase a new can of paint to send their message. They just used one they had laying around from when they painted their deck a few years ago.

Those GODDAMNED NAZIS! Always trying to save a few bucks by using old paint from the shed instead of buying a new can!