Nazi artist redecorates Rick's Rustang

CuntFucker .

Penny Eater has more important (tranny) things to focus on
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these chicks don’t even know the name of my band ❤
Dave Smith was the image Pat used for Fooey? It’s like he’s not even trying. Know your O&A lore, Pat! No brotherman would choose Dave.
It would be funny if it was just a random Dave Smith fan. Although I believe throwing a paint can halfway up a driveway would violate the Non Aggression Principle.

Edit: has anyone called him Tubby Smollet yet?
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I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
If he had camera footage of a stlaker doing it, he would have tweeted out the video for maximum victim points. The fact he didn't is proof that no such video exists.

I bet Pat was going out to paint his pallet chairs to try to prevent them being stolen again, tipped over the paint can like the bumbling retard he is, then decided to use his fuck up as an opportunity to false flag his protesters. Mulch Incident 2.0
I think he was repainting the balcony trim and his fat self knocked it over. The splatter and the pooling jive with it having fallen downward and landing more on one side. Or he just dropped it from there


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
I think he was repainting the balcony trim and his fat self knocked it over. The splatter and the pooling jive with it having fallen downward and landing more on one side. Or he just dropped it from there
I sent the screenshots to my family. They immediately concluded he did it himself because who throws a tiny can of paint and not a gallon of white or yellow. Also no paint on the car when his "driveway" is just slightly longer than his car? So someone drove by and couldn't even toss it the extra foot? It's almost like whoever did it didn't want to damage their own property and just used whatever paint they had laying around from a previous project like their unsafe deck.

It seems like whoever did it is fat and suing the police. How does anyone stay married to someone that comes up with retarded plans like this? What does he say to her to convince her this is a good idea.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
So when will we have the flaming bag of dog poo on the porch saga? You know it’s coming and he will claim it’s an attempt at arson.