I started following this guy 4 years ago, because he was one of the few people that actually predicted Trump, and he's been chasing that high since the election. After he just go so repetitive and not even writing shit, just live streaming a literal fucking white-board daily, I tapped out. But his premise that Trump was a master persuader was bullshit. What I saw, and seemed totally obvious, was that this country was tired of being fucked in the ass and it was super clear since it wasn't just some generic Democrat or Republican, but these fucking narcissistic sociopaths literally put up a Bush and Clinton as the front runners. People were finally fucking so insulted they gave it to the guy who had nothing to do with politics. After he was president that gimmick wore off, and with the pandemic, it's also obvious why he was only a one-termer.
If Trump had actually done half of the shit he said he would, he would’ve been a raging success. As it turned out, he was better than Dems give him credit for.
The problem with Trump is that he can’t control his ego, it interferes constantly and sabotages him, and his followers became cultlike. He can do no wrong in their eyes. Watching them flip-flop depending on what he is saying that day is hilarious. They will justify absolutely anything he says and anything he does, and a percentage of them literally think he’s part of a secret message scheme from a group of Internet superspies giving secret information on secret operations and then every time he misspells a word in a tweet because he’s a dumbass it’s part of a secret message. God do I hate them.
On the flipside, I can’t hate them too much because they were right about a lot of shit.
They are right about the corruption, they are right about the “swamp“ they are right about Democrats and Republicans and their ties to Ukraine, and China, and big money, donations, secret deals and so forth. Fucking shame he didn’t do a fucking damn thing about it in the four years he wasted in the White House. Good job finishing the wall, stupid. Good job alienating anyone who could ever have helped you and then whining about getting stabbed in the back by people whose wives you called ugly and who you said should go to prison.
Watching his supporters constantly thump their chests about promises that he kept is so goddamned annoying. No he fucking didn’t. He won because he said what the country needed to hear on a lot of issues, then he went and squandered that, a large percentage of his base abandoned him but his supporters can’t even fathom the idea that someone would have supported him, and no longer does, without being an evil pedophile member of the super evil Cabal that eats babies alive and put satanic messages into the Simpsons.
They can’t even begin to accept the fact that maybe he lost some of his supporters between 2016 and 2020 by failing to deliver on all of the rhetoric. This country is absolutely ready for someone radical to come in and make giant changes, clean out the system, fire everyone, get rid of the alphabet agencies, get rid of the IRS, get rid of the corrupt judges, and on and on. He didn’t start that, they already wanted it, and he failed to deliver. Why am I rambling this long?