I supported Trump and even though I didn't like how he failed to keep his promises, I thought he was much better than Biden would be.
Due to politics being so fucked up, I started seeking out any podcasts that would attempt to explain things in a way that made sense. And I'm ashamed to say I stumbled onto Scott Adams and listened to his podcast a few times.
It didn't take me long to figure out his formula. Basically, it's make some predictions and explain persuasion. When the prediction comes true gloat a little, and when it doesn't ignore it.
But then something will happen and he'll tweet out a *spectacularly* bad take, like this:
He does this so that when you are dumb enough to listen to his podcast the next day, he'll explain it in a way that gives him an out. In this case, it was, "The type of people who run news rooms (libtards) would not consider this type of story to be newsworthy because it doesn't agree with their narrative," in essence.
And that's all this is too -- getting people to say in a retard voice "I WUNDER WHUT SCOTT WILL SAY ON HIS PODCAST"
I saw through that bullshit and never listened to him again. Nice hypnotism, stupid.