Hahahaha look at the signs on that liberal cunt's store "Please be masked and vaxed before entering. We care about our neighbors!", and I think I saw another sign "no substitute for peace" or something. So of course then comes out with a bat after being lightly shoved. Typical hypocritical leftwing cunt.[URL unfurl="true"]https://twitter.com/Tr00peRR/status/1456568199701479429?s=20[/URL]
crazy cunts fighting over masks in oregon
She doesn't care about her neighbors, she's just a fucking cunt, like everyone else in Portland. Ugly, anxious, frail person who thinks owning a stupid cookie store is a substitute for a loving family. And I don't even mean that in a misogynstic way like she should get a husband and have kids; I mean I guarantee she abandoned her parents/has no close family members of any kind.
Also another genetic abomination with a balding hairline despite being a woman.