WWAW with Punk Music?


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Where we at with da Green Day
I actually liked everything up until after American Idiot, but even by the AI point it was more alternative rock than even pop punk.

21st Century Breakdown was a bore and tried too hard to be American Idiot 2. The Uno, Dos, and Tres albums were fucking terrible and I think really kind of killed their relevancy. Revolution Radio was alright I guess. The latest album that came out a few years ago was easily their worst album.

I know it's easy to hate on Green Day since their so mainstream and BJA is a huge faggot, but I don't think as a band their that bad. I will also say that I've seen them live before and they put on a pretty good fucking concert.


Ain't it fun?

WWAW crust punks? do they still exist? do they still smell and panhandle with their shitty dogs they always had to have?

idk if this is even barely qualifying or crossing over into faggot metal territory