wrestling is gay but it used to be cool


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
The only thing that wasn't gay af about wrestling were some of the promos. The kayfabe, the spots, the work - faggot shit. Macho Man cutting promos? Comedy gold.


I was a dumb cunt playing guitar in the early 90's, and my whole band still knew who Randy Savage was.


looking for a vehicle
Wrestling is for children and queers
*glass breaking*

Austin 3-16
He is untalented, which is fine. The only reason he got involved in MMA was because he did that Colt Cabana podcast where he mentioned he was doing jiu jitsu.

Teddy did beat the fuck out of him. I think it was because Punk was being unreasonable and Teddy called him out for it. Teddy's also nuts so who knows what the story is there.
i used to play poker with robert gibson every thursday night. He said CM knocked out teddy atlas for giving everyone the "you young people dont know shit" speech. Said CM was a nice guy otherwise, but robert is such a nice dude i dont think hed ever shit talk anyone


Punk going to the UFC was the worst decision in the world. It would be like Austin fighting in the Brawl for All and getting knocked out by Bob Holly or Godfather.

Prior to that, people looked at Punk as a good in ring performer and a fantastic shit talker. Once he got exposed by a tomato can in his hometown, it became pretty apparent he is basically a smart mark who broke into wrestling and was able to leverage his natural charisma to be successful. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Punk in AEW was never going to meaningfully move the needle, especially with Tony Khan (who may be a virgin) as creative lead. The only interesting thing about Punk is he's married to AJ Lee.

I love that air headed ditzy look broads do like the enchanting Mrs. Punk is doing in that middle photo. Nice dumper, too.


buck breaker supreme
one of my favorite storylines during the 2000s era was mark henry's sexual chocolate persona. the writers were always escalating henry's deviancy with each apperance. in his therapy sessions he revealed that his first sexual experience was at age 11 with his sister. then there was this:

i didn't really get into patrice until 2014-5 so it was funny to find out that he contributed to mark henry's storyline when he was a writer for wwf.
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