Well that seals the deal for Trump… Pig, comment?


Stand Alone Fruit
He is way overthinking it. Get over yourself pat. Maybe they are just out to dinner and dont feel they need to wear their red hat and lanyard everyday. The event is over. Why the fuck would they be wearing the lanyard?

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Pat is a rube and if he gets any kind of lanyard he wears it all the way home so everyone knows he’s a special boy.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
it sounds like Pat had enough booze that he is feeling like a tough guy and wants to make a scene in public but nobody is wearing the identifiers that will confirm they are republicans. So pat cant waddle up and try to call them out so he can try to impress the bartender and regulars or possibly provoke getting slapped in the mouth.


Sue Lightning

Pat is a rube and if he gets any kind of lanyard he wears it all the way home so everyone knows he’s a special boy.
Pat would literally suck a cock to be at the DNC. He would wear his commemorative “I was at the 2024 DNC and all i got was this stupid badge” pin from Chicago to the flight home to an entire week after landing back in Wisconsin. He would be live tweeting the event the entire week. He would be gloating about what a life changing event it was for the entire week after. And of course, he would be pigheadedly arguing with people on Twitter and using it as a crutch. “I went to the DNC, child. Don’t talk to me about what the Democrats are like.”

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Friendly fire!


Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
it sounds like Pat had enough booze that he is feeling like a tough guy and wants to make a scene in public but nobody is wearing the identifiers that will confirm they are republicans. So pat cant waddle up and try to call them out so he can try to impress the bartender and regulars or possibly provoke getting slapped in the mouth.

You think Fatrick saw those videos or whatever of regular-joe retards who posted "Don't miss next time!" who then got cancelled from their Home Depot jobs - and then thought to himself, I can do that with Trumptards out to dinner!

of course not, he's a cumia-confrontation level pussy, but I bet it got his bum blood boiling that HIS TEAM lost their jobs for posting correct opinions


Jacques De Gautier
Personally I enjoy the idea that he was registered as an R because the literal teenager recognized that could cause Dem gains in redistricting. Or something.
Are you insulting me because I incorrectly used the term gerrymandering? Well let me publicly apologize for not recalling every retarded political term correctly. I’ll make sure to watch more cable news.