Well that seals the deal for Trump… Pig, comment?

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.


Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Shut up, Brian. We all know you didn’t give a penny even though you live off working people
View attachment 211944
They are mad that it was an inch away from it being a televised funeral procession like they have been dreaming about but it turned out to be a corny celebration of trump surviving that boosted their voting base.


Stand Alone Fruit
He's obsessed with being gay = being bad

View attachment 211973

pot, kettle

View attachment 211975
Just come out of the closet, Pat.

It must be his 90s dopey teenager mindset that’s stopping him, he thinks to be seen as a big tough man he MUST be straight and married to a woman he has SEX with and you can’t be a big tough strong man and be gay.