Well that seals the deal for Trump… Pig, comment?

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Cowabunga, child.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
I wish they had documentary cameras for everything going on with Biden like with football Hard Knocks. I wonder how many people are completely out of it like Patrick or what their reasons are for sticking it through with a guy who can't think and can barely speak

Is Patrick's denial of reailty commonplace? It can't be, right?

Josef Kuminski

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The position of “Biden is the only one that can beat Trump” is just posturing for the “I told ya so” moment. If Biden wins, then it’s “see he beat Trump”. If Trump wins then it’s “The wide conspiracy that the media and all of these politicians telling Biden to step down is what caused Biden to lose. Remember according to Rick there was no debate and Trump getting shot at had no effect on this race.

He’s saying this shit now so he can have a viral tweet on or after Election Day….. I think it’s time for him to lose his precious twitter account permanently.


The position of “Biden is the only one that can beat Trump” is just posturing for the “I told ya so” moment. If Biden wins, then it’s “see he beat Trump”. If Trump wins then it’s “The wide conspiracy that the media and all of these politicians telling Biden to step down is what caused Biden to lose. Remember according to Rick there was no debate and Trump getting shot at had no effect on this race.

He’s saying this shit now so he can have a viral tweet on or after Election Day….. I think it’s time for him to lose his precious twitter account permanently.
I was told the commentary on Biden's debate performance ended 3 weeks ago. Now be quiet. Quietly is key. Peanut butter in your mouth. Why are you still talking, etc.

Josef Kuminski

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I was told the commentary on Biden's debate performance ended 3 weeks ago. Now be quiet. Quietly is key. Peanut butter in your mouth. Why are you still talking, etc.
Lol Rick’s take on the debate was some of the gayest shit he’s ever said and just goes to show how little he knows history. History classes discuss the Lincoln- Stevens debate as an important moment in US history. The Nixon/Kennedy debate and even the Reagan/Mondale debate because Reagan cracked a joke and made Mondale laugh which was a defining moment in the election. He might be the dumbest mother fucker on the planet.
Major Democratic donors who joined a conference call starring Vice President Kamala Harris say the event's sloppy organization and scolding tone left them feeling unimpressed and insulted, NBC News has reported.

“It was a total failure. It was damaging. It was poor planning,” said one.
Another called it "ludicrous."
It was also described as "mismanaged and rushed."
The Friday call with about 300 heavy-hitter donors kicked off with reports from field organizers, who used their time to vent anger over the intra-party battle over whether Biden should be replaced atop the ticket, owing to plunging confidence in his mental health.

One participant described how organizers stalled to buy time while everyone waited for Harris to join the call 20 minutes after it started. During that stretch, the donors were "admonished" against agitating to replace Biden, and were instructed to "lock in and get behind" the faltering and frail 81-year-old.

Big donors pushing for Biden to leave the race want to look at options other than Kamala Harris
According to a transcript obtained by NBC, Melissa Morales, the founder of Somos Votantes, a voter outreach group targeting Latinos, was one of those instructing donors to fall in line:

“It’s time to stop the leaks and the rampant rumors. Your message has been heard and received. But every day that we continue this publicly chaotic conversation, we come closer to a loss — no matter who the nominee is.”
As you can imagine, that kind of tone didn't set well with many in the audience who've committed big money to the campaign and the party. “These are donors who are not used to getting admonished and told what to do,” said one of NBC's sources who'd heard the call.

Many of those donors went into the call expecting to receive insider insights on how the party was going to recover from the devastating impact of Biden's June 27 debate performance and the ongoing, damaging battle over the looming nomination. They instead received the "bad-cop/good-cop" treatment -- first scolded for their lack of faith in Biden and then given a pep talk from Harris:

“We know which candidate in this election puts the American people first: Our President, Joe Biden. With every decision he makes in the Oval Office, he thinks about how it will impact working Americans. And I witness it every day.”
“Something I believe in my heart of hearts. It is something I feel strongly you should all hear and should take with you when you leave. And tell your friends too. We are going to win this election. We are going to win.”

Not seeing a lot of energy behind Harris at this point. Pat wins again!!


Lol Rick’s take on the debate was some of the gayest shit he’s ever said and just goes to show how little he knows history. History classes discuss the Lincoln- Stevens debate as an important moment in US history. The Nixon/Kennedy debate and even the Reagan/Mondale debate because Reagan cracked a joke and made Mondale laugh which was a defining moment in the election. He might be the dumbest mother fucker on the planet.
It's honestly the most significant debate performance in history. Maybe world history.

Patrick is a child. He can't accept uncomfortable truths - the hallmark of learning.

Josef Kuminski

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Major Democratic donors who joined a conference call starring Vice President Kamala Harris say the event's sloppy organization and scolding tone left them feeling unimpressed and insulted, NBC News has reported.

The Friday call with about 300 heavy-hitter donors kicked off with reports from field organizers, who used their time to vent anger over the intra-party battle over whether Biden should be replaced atop the ticket, owing to plunging confidence in his mental health.

One participant described how organizers stalled to buy time while everyone waited for Harris to join the call 20 minutes after it started. During that stretch, the donors were "admonished" against agitating to replace Biden, and were instructed to "lock in and get behind" the faltering and frail 81-year-old.

Big donors pushing for Biden to leave the race want to look at options other than Kamala Harris
According to a transcript obtained by NBC, Melissa Morales, the founder of Somos Votantes, a voter outreach group targeting Latinos, was one of those instructing donors to fall in line:

As you can imagine, that kind of tone didn't set well with many in the audience who've committed big money to the campaign and the party. “These are donors who are not used to getting admonished and told what to do,” said one of NBC's sources who'd heard the call.

Many of those donors went into the call expecting to receive insider insights on how the party was going to recover from the devastating impact of Biden's June 27 debate performance and the ongoing, damaging battle over the looming nomination. They instead received the "bad-cop/good-cop" treatment -- first scolded for their lack of faith in Biden and then given a pep talk from Harris:

Not seeing a lot of energy behind Harris at this point. Pat wins again!!
Ya see Missy, when it comes to Rick it doesn’t matter what reality is, Rick is just going to deny it spin some alternate take hoping that it will somehow magically manifest itself. If Harris becomes the nominee, Rick will try and spin it to say that she’s the most popular politician in American History, when Rick is shown that all polls have her below Hilary Clinton, he’ll just lie and at that it’s racism and not that she’s a sociopath and empty suit.

I’ll give you another example: say someone was presented with a wide array of evidence that their boyfriend was a pedophile. The boyfriend had gone on the record and said “What?! You’ve never seen a hot 13 year old before? …. It’s gotta be the right kind of 13.” Was shown to follow all sorts of underage non relative girls across social media platform, has a dating history of significantly younger women( one being a 17 year old while being in his 40s/50s) and was even catfished by a man in his 40s pretending to be a teenage girl. How do you think the girlfriend should react when presented with such a mount of evidence?
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Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
Ya see Missy, when it comes to Rick it doesn’t matter what reality is, Rick is just going to deny it spin some alternate take hoping that it will somehow magically manifest itself. If Harris becomes the nominee, Rick will try and spin it to say that she’s the most popular politician in American History, when Rick is shown that all polls have her below Hilary Clinton, he’ll just lie and at that it’s racism and not that she’s a sociopath and empty suit.

I’ll give you another example: say someone was presented with a wide array of evidence that their boyfriend was a pedophile. The boyfriend had gone on the record and said “What?! You’ve never seen a hot 13 year old before? …. It’s gotta be the right kind of 13.” Was shown to follow all sorts of underage no relative
girls across social media platform, has a dating history of significantly younger women( one being a 17 year old while being in his 40s/50s) and was even catfished by a man in his 40s pretending to be a teenage girl. How do you think the girlfriend should react when presented with such a mount of evidence?
Thanks, now Eric Hildeman is watching this thread. His sister is also a whore and he probably held her down while their father raped her in the cage they kept her in from age 3-16.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Last election the progressives had control of twitter now that elon purchased it they cant filter or control the narrative and they arent handling it well. Especially after trumps failed assassination. I bet they wish they could shadow ban every post about it. Not this year. Imagine the amount of posts they would try to hide while pushing their bullshit lies to downplay it or create doubt. They have never recovered from losing their one tool to manipulate.

It aint no fun when the rabbits got the gun



Last election the progressives had control of twitter now that elon purchased it they cant filter or control the narrative and they arent handling it well. Especially after trumps failed assassination. I bet they wish they could shadow ban every post about it. Not this year. Imagine the amount of posts they would try to hide while pushing their bullshit lies to downplay it or create doubt. They have never recovered from losing their one tool to manipulate.

It aint no fun when the rabbits got the gun

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It was a faggy San Francisco liberal faggot website with ties to the FBI for 15 years and then Musk bought it last year and now Pat's whining about it being a propaganda tool for the right. He's such a fat fool and it's mind-boggling how he manages to whine about this.