Post proof of CHH's divorce or shut the fuck up about it, I was a Jenna fan as I recognized your intelligence and appreciated your alt takes, but between your false CHH allegations and rat conversions with @admin You've become insufferable lately....Get your shit together...Okay Sue, never happened. You just choose to be a forever simp for the "I make fun of you, you don't ever make fun of me!!!" off-topic clique. You choose to have sacred cow posters that you're afraid to criticize because of your social standing.
Let's get pennystockchaser, NoBacon, and a handful of more agreeance posters to co-sign this. We unanimously choose to never mock CHH's failed marriage but go hard on Boq's brother getting blown up by a landmine!
Then you wonder why this place sucks so much these days.
Post the rap again.