Poll: Has your attitude toward Jews changed over the last year?

Has your attitude toward Jews changed over the last year?

  • Yes: I hate them now

    Votes: 9 19.1%
  • Yes: I hate them even more now

    Votes: 18 38.3%
  • Yes: I care for them more now

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • No: My thoughts/feelings about them have not changed

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
Downvoting you on sight is "mentally disturbed" because you deeply value your internet score.

God you talk like such a fucking faggot, now I'm glad I bullied you.
Yup. Switch it all around in your mind. Rearrange it to make you feel better. I understand.

This is the 3rd time you've repeated my line back to me.
Jokes about Norton inadvertently exposing himself using PrEP are classics too. I think your last dose is wearing off.


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
"No, I do not take risperdal. You take risperdal, child."

Have the last word, but try not to use too many. You verbose faggot. Just say nigger and leave it alone.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
Just say nigger and leave it alone.
Take your own advice and ignore posts that hurt your feelings



choke you to sleep, slap you awake
Nobody's reading your anally-raped greivances about post count, take your meds.

Stop linking to your manifestos like they're a thesis


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
Nobody's reading your anally-raped greivances about post count, take your meds.

Stop linking to your manifestos like they're a thesis
I'm sure you hope not, cause it's easy to notice the patterns afterwords.

Name another obscure anti-psychotic medication that failed to treat your permanently broken brains, stupid


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
Name another obscure anti-psychotic medication that failed to treat your permanently broken brains, stupid

Holy shit, are you going to repeat my line back to me until you die? Get your own bit you rambling faggot.
Googled "asperger medication" it was literally the first result.

Go back to Cumtown to "notice the patterns" and "codeswitches" nerd


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
Holy shit, are you going to repeat my line back to me until you die? Get your own bit you rambling faggot.

Go back to Cumtown to "notice the patterns" and "codeswitches" you absolute retard
Yeah, you fucked up. "risperdal", why would you namedrop that as if anyone knows what it is? You clearly have experience with mental illness medication, and probably extensive experience to get yourself misconfigured brain corrrrrected.


lmao, I posted that a few days ago.

You read and remember all of my posts. Chapo faggot.


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
You read and remember all of my posts.

You tried to tell someone they were "codeswitching" to trick you into thinking they were from another country.

Pretty memorable faggot behavior.

Anyone who types that much about being downvoted should kick the stool out.

If you say "Chapo" again we will know you have schizophrenia.

Take your meds, lonely.


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
Also this isn't 4chan stop doing the ">" before quoting a post you secretary faggot. What's your WPM count look like, data entry retard?


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
You tried to tell someone they were "codeswitching" to trick you into thinking they were from another country.

Pretty memorable faggot behavior.

Anyone who types that much about being downvoted should kick the stool out.

If you say "Chapo" again we will know you have schizophrenia.

Take your meds, lonely.

>Anyone who types that much about being downvoted

"It is not me who cares, it's him" while you go through my post log. I'm a character in your faggot wet brain head, zonked beyond repair by anti-psychotics. Sorry about that.


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
I missed this frantic quick edit. You're at the level of explaining yourself on the onaforum. Hahhaha, hooooooleeee shit

You didn't google shit, wet brain Chapo queer

Sorry I like to edit rather than write an embarrassing manifesto about my karma.

Make sure you reply to every single post, get that last word. Keep chasing it, white nigger.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
Sorry I like to edit rather than write an embarrassing manifesto about my karma.

Make sure you reply to every single post, get that last word. Keep chasing it, white nigger.
There you go with the ol' rearrange in your fucked up broken schizophrenic brain. They give antipsychotics, like resperidal or whatever you had to take, to people like you because there is no cure other than to dope you up so bad you can't bother others.

stupid Chapo faggot


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
There you go with the ol' rearrange in your fucked up broken schizophrenic brain. They give antipsychotics, like resperidal or whatever you had to take, to people like you because there is no cure other than to dope you up so bad you can't bother others.

stupid Chapo faggot

Stop siphoning my observation about you being schizo, this is honestly the dirtiest pool I've ever seen someone resort to in an internet flame.
Shameless "I'm rubber you're glue" 70 IQ comeback.

Remember when you thought you were blowing our minds that car crashing posts was public?
You threatened to screencap your downvotes like anyone gave a shit.

Write me another epic Russian novel, gotten-to medicated faggot. No mentally healthy person cries about their votes.

Tony Hinchclit

There you go with the ol' rearrange in your fucked up broken schizophrenic brain. They give antipsychotics, like resperidal or whatever you had to take, to people like you because there is no cure other than to dope you up so bad you can't bother others.

stupid Chapo faggot
Please stop. You're making us look bad.


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
sigh...Sometimes it takes a lot of jewbs to heal the world



Full Moon Squealer
What the fuck did you just fucking say about the holocaust, you filthy goy? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Tsahal, and I've been involved in numerous secret mutilations on Americans, and I have over 300 confirmed circumcision. I am trained in antisemitic warfare and I'm the top shills in the entire IDF forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to jews over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of servant across the USA and your forskin is being sucked right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can rob you in over SIX MILLION ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in deluded combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Main Stream Media and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little nazi. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn denier. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Oy fucking vey!


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
Stop siphoning my observation about you being schizo, this is honestly the dirtiest pool I've ever seen someone resort to in an internet flame.
Shameless "I'm rubber you're glue" 70 IQ comeback.

Remember when you thought you were blowing our minds that car crashing posts was public?
You threatened to screencap your downvotes like anyone gave a shit.

Write me another epic Russian novel, gotten-to medicated faggot. No mentally healthy person cries about their votes.
It's not the votes, it's the awkward feeling (and it really is) of some mentally ill obsessed st.alker. Who then rearranges his obsession and butthurt with mental gymnastics where somehow obsessive, mentally ill stalking is actually you owning me. To be that deluded and committed to lying to yourself is awkward in general

I mean really. Downdooing nigger hate posts because they sincerely offend your chapo sensibilities, and then all these increasingly insane rationalizations and deflections. It's pathetic.

As for essayposters/essayposting, yes it can be gay, but I don't trust people who make tens of thousands of posts and not one has two paragraphs or more. In most cases, like in yours, I suspect you don't have it in you to communicate, or don't even have thoughts that require longer than 3 or 4 lines to express. You just post insane, deluded copes ("me angrily reading your postlog and downdooting you is owning you") and deflections ("actually, you are angry at my downvotes and care about internet points, instead of feel creeped out that butthurt creep is obsessing over you"), then and add in whatever schizophrenic garbled show references comes to your Resperidol soaked brain to hope other readers don't focus on your insanity. An occasional funny line doesn't compensate for being as broken and ruined as you are.

You Faggot Chapo queer.


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
It's not the votes, it's the awkward feeling (and it really is) of some mentally ill obsessed st.alker. Who then rearranges his obsession and butthurt with mental gymnastics where somehow obsessive, mentally ill stalking is actually you owning me. To be that deluded and committed to lying to yourself is awkward in general

I mean really. Downdooing nigger hate posts because they sincerely offend your chapo sensibilities, and then all these increasingly insane rationalizations and deflections. It's pathetic.

As for essayposters/essayposting, yes it can be gay, but I don't trust people who make tens of thousands of posts and not one has two paragraphs or more. In most cases, like in yours, I suspect you don't have it in you to communicate, or don't even have thoughts that require longer than 3 or 4 lines to express. You just post insane, deluded copes ("me angrily reading your postlog and downdooting you is owning you") and deflections ("actually, you are angry at my downvotes and care about internet points, instead of feel creeped out that butthurt atalker creep is obsessing over you"), then and add in whatever schizophrenic garbled show references comes to your Resperidol soaked brain to hope other readers don't focus on your insanity. An occasional funny line doesn't compensate for being as broken and ruined as you are.

You Faggot Chapo queer.

Russian novel writing karma obsessed medicated faggot