Poll: Has your attitude toward Jews changed over the last year?

Has your attitude toward Jews changed over the last year?

  • Yes: I hate them now

    Votes: 9 19.1%
  • Yes: I hate them even more now

    Votes: 18 38.3%
  • Yes: I care for them more now

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • No: My thoughts/feelings about them have not changed

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
I can pretty much promise you that nobody is reading all that gay shit. Neck yourself
Who cares if they do or don't, Chapo queer? It's there, and all you can do is pretend not to be mad about it while scanning my postlog for unrelated posts to angrily doot


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
Yeah and then you'll write an autobiography about it. Shut the fuck up already faggot


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
If this is Dre arguing with himself on an alt, its a fantastic bit.
I don't do the alts game. Dirty business, fucks with your mind, and you have to be a faggot to do it anyway. Just now I'm getting a few downdoots from https://new.onaforums.net/members/dre-shitpost.858/

He targeted my breivik post so I'm assuming same dude with the same butthurt chapo politics.

Also the whole getting on alts to add downdoots to posts you don't like is pretty familiar for chapos like Nigger Dre.


he's unraveling
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the Gentleman's sissy hypno
You just post insane, deluded copes ("me angrily reading your postlog and downdooting you is owning you") and deflections ("actually, you are angry at my downvotes and care about internet points, instead of feel creeped out that butthurt creep is obsessing over you"), then and add in whatever schizophrenic garbled show references comes to your Resperidol soaked brain to hope other readers don't focus on your insanity. An occasional funny line doesn't compensate for being as broken and ruined as you are.

You Faggot Chapo queer.


didn't you need breathing support and steroids to prevent coronavirus killing you?

I don't think a 400lbs mutt who almost died of COVID should be bragging about their genetic superiority...
I didn't need shit my O2 stayed safe, I also realize that steroids aid in a quicker recovery. It's a luck of draw thing, I'm not 400 lbs, I'm a very big dude still well muscled who was very athletic, I'd crush you with a slap street shitter, that's just a fact. I remember going to the 2nd Bush inauguration, I was 34 and I was just tossing faggot protesting lefties dressed up in their masks with signs. I envision you like one of them. I shoved one of them so hard I recall him rolling like a ball while the cops laughed and said "nice" lol. I'm a specimen and my dick is way bigger than that turd you were holding.