Poll: Has your attitude toward Jews changed over the last year?

Has your attitude toward Jews changed over the last year?

  • Yes: I hate them now

    Votes: 9 19.1%
  • Yes: I hate them even more now

    Votes: 18 38.3%
  • Yes: I care for them more now

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • No: My thoughts/feelings about them have not changed

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
"Lmao, I'm Not Even Mad"

seething Chapo Trap House FAGGOT

[types 3 paragraph dissertation with numbered points referencing how many times each post has been edited and voted on]

"Chapo Trap House" Please go back to Cum Town white nigger.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
Lmao, You wrote all this because I downribbed you again.

How many websites do you cry about your internet points on?

"Umm ackshually according to my calculations and backlog of data I archived, you're a BLM Democrat"
How many edits are you trying to add in in your frantic, heightened current emotional state? As you scan my post log and look for things that upset you?

"Lmao who cares about rib points Lmao"


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
[types 3 paragraph dissertation with numbered points referencing how many times each post has been edited and voted on]

"Chapo Trap House" Please go back to Cum Town white nigger.
I listened to the show decades before cumtown existed and only heard about ct because of the sub

Hide your seeth behind "Lmao ribs" more you Chapotraphouse faggot.


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
How many edits are you trying to add in in your frantic, heightened current emotional state?

I like how you come with a whole backstory about fleeing other sites because your internet score was tainted.

Say "Chapo Trap House" again faggot


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
I like how you come with a whole backstory about fleeing other sites because your internet score was tainted.

Say "Chapo Trap House" again faggot
I pissed off emotionally disturbed people just like you to the point they spent hours of their lives creating alt accounts and dwelling on my posts. Kind of like you. I still have an account and can post as I please.

You are a Chapo Trap House NIGGER FAGGOT. Capitalize the first letter in lmao to and lol to show how unaffected you are, NIGGER CHAPO FAGGOT


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
I pissed off emotionally disturbed people just like you to the point they spent hours of their lives creating alt accounts and dwelling on my posts.

Sounds like you have the same problem everywhere you go.

I'm going to downrib you every time I see your name to make your hair fall out.

Capitalize the first letter in lmao to and lol to show how unaffected you are, NIGGER CHAPO FAGGOT

Capitalizing the first letter of a post is "being unaffected?"
Nice all caps, affected party.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
Sounds like you have the same problem everywhere you go.
Yup. Emotionally disturbed people with medical grade cognitive dissonance. "Lmao you care about internet points Lmao" as they make dozens of alt accounts, scan peoples post logs and spend hours of their time on this.

While I just simply post.

Even without trying, just by posting, I make them mad. I don't mind the downdoots here obviously, It just makes it awkward, like the frantic edits/deletes you seem to be doing to your posts. You're subjecting a website to your tormented mental battle to convince others and yourself that you don't care.

It's me who bothers you, and no amount of mental gymnastics, typing "Lmao" "Lol" or downdoots are going to change that. Chapo.


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
Even the internet mainstay "Lol" sends you into sperg fury. Pop your risperdal and take a breath stupid.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
Even the internet mainstay "Lol" sends you into sperg fury. Pop your risperdal and take a breath stupid.
Never heard of that.

Post a little more neutral stuff more on other threads while you wait on the edge of your seat for my next reply. It's all about looking cool here. Nice turning onaforums to analeggsalad postlog in your head, stupid


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
Never heard of that.

Post a little more neutral stuff more on other threads while you wait on the edge of your seat for my next reply. It's all about looking cool here. Nice turning onaforums to analeggsalad postlog in your head, stupid

It's medication for people with autism and schizophrenia, look into it you absolute faggot.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
It doesn't seem to be working for you. Take a few next time you see one of my posts, it might help
If I wanted my own comeback I would've wiped it off your face

until you tainted it with your chapo issues, this was what the car crash reaction is supposed to be for

Nobody wants your nigger seed, boy. Nice naming the strange mental drugs you take the way Norton talks about PrEP, stupid


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
until you tainted it with your chapo issues, this was what the car crash reaction is supposed to be for

Nobody wants your nigger seed, boy. Nice naming the strange mental drugs you take the way Norton talks about PrEP, stupid

"Extremely disturbed people can't handle the truth bombs I drop when I tell it like it is."

Sounds like Sam Roberts rationalizing the reactions he gets everywhere he goes.

How many different meds do you have to be on to go into a shame spiral over someone typing "Lol?"
Not to mention 3 paragraphs after not getting a reply.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
"Extremely disturbed people can't handle the truth bombs I drop when I tell it like it is."

Sounds like Sam Roberts rationalizing the reactions he gets everywhere he goes.

How many different meds do you have to be on to go into a shame spiral over someone typing "Lol?"
Not to mention 3 paragraphs after not getting a reply.
Nice deflecting, stupid.

Might want to pop another one of your "risperdals" before re-reading that.


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
Nice deflecting, stupid.

Might want to pop another one of your "risperdals" before re-reading that.

I didn't read it the first time, but nice running with my risperdal bit after parroting it back to me.

I wonder how many paragraphs I can make this faggot type into the abyss.
You and covidcumia should PM each other crying about vote counts to create a feedback loop.


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
You read all of my posts. This website is you waiting for my next posts now.

@covidcumia did the same thing to you huh? I'm so sorry.

I stopped reading your posts when you tagged me the first time, now it's an automatic downvote because I know you will screech just like he does. I want to see if I can get you to kill yourself with just downribs


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
I stopped reading your posts when you tagged me the first time,
Uh huh. never tagged or knew you until you flood my reaction box. Only person mentally disturbed enough on this website to behave in that manner. Should have used them on bad jokes or bad posts instead of elaborate nigger hate posts. That way you could claim to have a generalized dislike. Too late, showed your hand.

Nice deflecting about "internet points", stupid.

now it's an automatic downvote because I know you will screech just like he does.

Uh huh, that's it, that's the ticket, that's why I'm behaving this way. Yeah. Yeah I'm not rearranging this in my head to make humiliating, obsessive, pathetic behavior seem blase. Actually I am just Laughing at All of This.

Better have your "risperdal" ready, at this point seeing a pink anal egg might be enough to trigger a panic attack.


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
Only person mentally disturbed enough on this website to behave in that manner

Downvoting you on sight is "mentally disturbed" because you deeply value your internet score.

Uh huh, that's it, that's the ticket, that's why I'm behaving this way. Yeah. Yeah I'm not rearranging this in my head to make humiliating, obsessive, pathetic behavior seem blase. Actually I am just Laughing at All of This.

God you talk like such a fucking faggot, now I'm glad I bullied you. Nobody types like this and says "I really showed them"