Piggy's secret car blog and twitter account? Larps as a mechanic with the pen name "Torque Wheeler"

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Double dip alert🚨



SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
Torque is back, baby! Reviews a trim cleaner, introduces his readers to Susan which was looking nasty, blames rain despite only really reaining twice in the past 30 days in mke, starts two different sentences with "Yep" and three with "Anyway". Extremely homosexual, hope you enjoy!

is "back to black" a coded message indicating he's back to pepperoni making? you decide


Pat the Simp

If I ever do any see of them...
Torque is back, baby! Reviews a trim cleaner, introduces his readers to Susan which was looking nasty, blames rain despite only really reaining twice in the past 30 days in mke, starts two different sentences with "Yep" and three with "Anyway". Extremely homosexual, hope you enjoy!
View attachment 65489

is "back to black" a coded message indicating he's back to pepperoni making? you decide

Yikes. He should have washed the car before putting that stuff on. His paint looks like shit too.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Torque is back, baby! Reviews a trim cleaner, introduces his readers to Susan which was looking nasty, blames rain despite only really reaining twice in the past 30 days in mke, starts two different sentences with "Yep" and three with "Anyway". Extremely homosexual, hope you enjoy!
View attachment 65489

is "back to black" a coded message indicating he's back to pepperoni making? you decide

Its always about race with this guy. Pander to the blacks harder you fat shit.


"Modern cars aren’t built like in our parents and grandparent’s time."
Dumb fat pig can't even think of a new topic sentence. I hope a pigeon hits a power line and its flaming corpse careens into his face when he's out polishing Susan.
So you don't want to read a couple of paragraphs about the history of plastic on cars?

He buys the most basic consumer grade product and doesn't even explain how to use it correctly. Can't wait to see how he fucks up the paint.

Final verdict? Firing on 7/8 Cylinders.
I guess he thinks that's a good result? What a fucking clown (just like his papa).