Piggy's secret car blog and twitter account? Larps as a mechanic with the pen name "Torque Wheeler"

The Fuchitive

Still alive as of January 2024
How can you tell I am fat if you can't see my enormous fat hog gut?


The Fuchitive

Still alive as of January 2024
I’ve been following that account it’s been putting a bunch of e sports and twitch shit in my feed.

Tweet @spartan - he seems to be a pro halo player who is always suicide baiting and ranting like Paul. Might be a funny bee’s nest to kick.
yeah first thing I trolled was a random e thot that @Jack put on my timeline so now it's nothing but Twitch people and the occasional she boon wannabe model.

Is spartan too popular to notice and/or to reply? Remember I'm deboosted so they have to be small enough size to actually check the "more replies" section


The gunslinger.
yeah first thing I trolled was a random e thot that @Jack put on my timeline so now it's nothing but Twitch people and the occasional she boon wannabe model.

Is spartan too popular to notice and/or to reply? Remember I'm deboosted so they have to be small enough size to actually check the "more replies" section

He’s been in my feed for a week now and seems like a manic depressive twitter addict. That whole halo community seems insane.


The gunslinger.
This launched him into a 15 minute rant about Torque and Pat but he has clipping disabled on his channel so I have to wait for him to finish his stream and hope he leaves the video up


Holy shit this guy is a gold mine.

I made one comment about Pat, it was instantly banned and he ranted for 5 minutes about how he’s a tough guy and is going to track me down.