Piggy made the news…again

Serious Business

Hooli's for me forever, sta‎lker. Never for you.
He's retarded, but he's gold plated himself with some lefty IT guy making the calls. That means he is hoping beyond any sane or knowledgeable point that one of us is arrested because they trace us through tweets or texts. He wants an arrest and conviction, he may get lucky and get an arrest, but nobody can be convicted of something they didn't do. He'd have to know one of us to even pray to frame us, but he's retarded enough to think it's Matlock and they'll point to our memes and say, this is. the evidence of swatting.

The end result here is going to be him oinking in a court room at a judge on his collection that he's been swatted and take backsies are in order according to the Marvel Comics Justice Code. They can possibly find the actual guy calling them in, but that would be even worse for him. If they find one of us and somehow decide to prosecute they can't even claim our pranks and protests via twitter and text caused the swattings though they might try that. So the real result that is most likely is nobody ever gets found. Not his friend swatting him or us, but he retiredly tries in a hearing on his judgement to claim that he has suffered losses and hopefully Iron Man shows up to rule in his favor. I bet would actually happens is the real judge calls him fat and locks him up for contempt.
Everyone including Pat knows my real name and city. I’ve called the MKE Police offering myself to be interviewed after Patrick assured me I would be arrested soon. All they asked me was if I swatted him. 0 interest beyond that. The fact is 0 crimes have been committed besides the swatting and erasable marker vandalism, which we all know were very likely perpetrated by Rick himself.


Everyone including Pat knows my real name and city. I’ve called the MKE Police offering myself to be interviewed after Patrick assured me I would be arrested soon. All they asked me was if I swatted him. 0 interest beyond that. The fact is 0 crimes have been committed besides the swatting and erasable marker vandalism, which we all know were very likely perpetrated by Rick himself.
I called them too, way back, they had no idea who he was and I also gave them my name. I think it's as if the cops googled him and thought, comsequences.


The Night Time Attitude
His face is actually getting so fat it’s pushing back his fish flaps