Piggy made the news…again


and her hair smells like red froot loops
Fucking A, I go away for a couple hours and there's 3 new news stories?

He's on a publicity blitz... for getting swatted. A media tour. As I'm sure has been mentioned before, acknowledging the swat means the swatter "wins". So why on earth would you do press rounds? Oh that's right, attention.

Patrick, you fucking simpleton, this is NOT a swatting messageboard! Neither is kiwifarms! However, those do exist on the darkweb with all the tor end nodes and whatnot. Doing shit like this makes other swatters want to swat you, because you give them the desired response. Watch the fucking Netflix documentary! Getting to watch the news cover their crimes is goal #1.

Blabbing to the press how Detective Tomlinson solved the case and the culprit is everyone at onaforums swatting him. Hey @admin is there any way to add that article to the ol' judgement debt. That he's going to the press and accusing you of crimes?


Blackface Killah
Herman Munster looking nigga

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
Patrick is funny. Not intentionally, of course but as an object of ridicule. Also, the more you learn about him the funnier he gets. Yes everyone knew he was a retard, but finding his high school transcripts and knowing he's even dumber than we thought made it all the funnier. Ditto his stupid car blog, his wifes fake shitty business and on and on. "Stalking" him is no different than watching your favorite comedy series or listening to your favorite comedy radio program.

He's a character. The man has no Sense of self and no identity...so how can he be defamed? He lives in some pathetic fantasy world where he pretends to be a writer and "pundit" and his worthless wife pretends to be a business owner.