Piggy made the news…again


Stand Alone Fruit
He can’t control his happiness to be on the news no matter why he’s on. The way he acts here is so creepy and really obvious either he’s calling it or someone is doing it at his request. Nobody that “fears for their lives” and living everyday not sure if the police will shoot them is this happy to be interviewed. Pat is attention starved and this is all he’s ever wanted and doesn’t care what he had to do to get it.


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
He's claiming Bam's nudes are felonious KP now.




Shock Jock
Its crazy how some people never change. In life we are given so many opportunities to change, adapt, and improve ourselves. Yet some people squander this and just stay the same pathetic people until the day they die.

Its incredible to watch Pat and Niki do all of this without even for a second thinking they should take a different approach or ask themselves what they can do differently.
It makes me lose faith in humanity.


Its crazy how some people never change. In life we are given so many opportunities to change, adapt, and improve ourselves. Yet some people squander this and just stay the same pathetic people until the day they die.

Its incredible to watch Pat and Niki do all of this without even for a second thinking they should take a different approach or ask themselves what they can do differently.
It makes me lose faith in humanity.

I see your sopranos-esque mescaline pot brownie trip in the lot lizard campsite has given you some deep introspective insight

all in wit da wise philosopher nephilly to be honest witcha


Its crazy how some people never change. In life we are given so many opportunities to change, adapt, and improve ourselves. Yet some people squander this and just stay the same pathetic people until the day they die.

Its incredible to watch Pat and Niki do all of this without even for a second thinking they should take a different approach or ask themselves what they can do differently.
It makes me lose faith in humanity.
What’s that dude your phone crapped out