Piggy made the news…again


What you Torquin 'bout Wheelers




Theodore from Schenectady

Of the Schenectady Shecklers.

whoever wrote that article absolutely knows how much of a loser pat is and left in hilarious details along the way. the patrick s thomlin cyberstalk odyssey appears heinous and unfair from the outside looking in, but if you take the time to research the man, you become a pat poster. you just laugh at him. its inevitable.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
Six figure author who can't afford new clothes
Aww, I hope Adrienne knew when this photo was taken that she’d make her escape. Pat hangs onto every relic of their relationship. She’s the narcissistic injury he will never get over. Losing his Twitter checkmark might have been slightly more traumatic for him, though.