Piggy made the news…again



I bet that the caller sounds suspiciously like a certain SFWA mascot who may or may not speak in clicks and have a name that looks like Michael J Fox had his fingers on the keyboard.
Apparently the person was using a text-to-speech thing, which happened during the MTG swatting and I believe other swats, which is why I believe the troons gave him their hookup when Pat met with them to provide details for Keffals' manifesto.


Keyboard Warrior


Keyboard Warrior
Terrible article that takes everything Patrick says at face value, because I guess why would he lie???

Justin Baragona, the "media reporter" who wrote this drivel, needs some education.


Not reading all this shit but here’s my initial thoughts

1. Nice shirt, stupid. Looks like Opie’s ill-fitting Letterman shirt if he got it from the bottom of the hamper. Go to Kohls and get a new shirt for $19 you fat rube.

2. Would it kill either of them to take a shower and run a comb through their hair before going on TV?

3. We’ve seen Niki with makeup on before so she must own some or at least have someone to borrow it from. Maybe powder your face a bit before going on camera?

4. Nice videography, stupid. I know Niki is ugly but this weird angle and lighting turned her to an even more gangly and disproportional simian.

5. I always thought SWATing was stupid, gay, and unfunny but these two are really trying hard to change my mind. Nice giving the SWATer(s) exactly what they want, stupid. Assuming it isn’t you..

6. What the fuck is up with that reporter? She looks like Rocky Dennis and has some bizarre accent that I’ve never heard before. Even in Milwaukee you should be able to find some cute young chick with a community college mass comm degree.

7. Rick is clearly on drugs, look at his pupils