Pat's interview on "Rizzo & Jeff"


I can't believe Pat had the retarded audacity to do a radio interview. How does he know that he's not being set up for an ambush? They start bringing up shit that he doesn't want to talk about, like Apostlegate, the Josiah interviews, the Lappening, his embarrassing court showings, him vandalizing his own property, the 1am meltdown. He would absolutely unravel live on the air. Then they open the lines to callers.

He would be going in and out of buildings that have a lot of steel and shit as he frantically tries and fails to protect his false narrative.

If these useless faggots had done any research whatsoever they would've known that they had the potential for radio gold on their hands, and all they had to was question him slightly and not buy into every retarded thing he spewed out.

N64 Cube

Patrick S. Tomlinson staring as “Liquor Pig”
Checked his Amazon rankings and it doesn't look like those books are flying out of the warehouse or being downloaded to Kindles. I think the best ranking I saw out of all the books I checked was somewhere around 250,000. For comparison, I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell from Tucker Max was in the tens of thousands for both Kindle and Paperback.
In the Black’s Kindle ranking is embarrassing

the sheer lack of entertainment value compared to the other local show that covered it is stark. Dull as dishwater... they're barely worth slapping around a bit.

The fact they need to recap every 3 minutes shows they know they don't have any deliberate / dedicated listeners, & there are smoother ways to recap with a relevant explanatory question.

TLDR: these guys are boring shite


I'm not from your neck of the woods, Lad, and we sure never had anything like what you had when I was growing up. They'd have been stockaded and stoned at the time. But I can tell you, from the many shows I've discovered - even the shit, which there was plenty of - I appreciated the humour and effort.

I enjoy Old Stern, with Jackie and Billy. I love O&A when the comics were on, because you certainly didn't get much quality without them. ANY Ron and Fez works for me, but I learn towards satellite. The American Fan turned me on to Drew and Mike, which gave me quite an understanding of his Midwestern upbringing. I even enjoyed some Don and Mike, Bob and Tom - my hard drive is full of this stuff.

So I don't mean to be too harsh on your memories, I just know those two are still around, and something about that really, really bothers me.
OandA with the guys just fucking around and riffing is solid stuff. Something Opie originally didn’t want incidentally but made for great listening in the end.


the sheer lack of entertainment value compared to the other local show that covered it is stark. Dull as dishwater... they're barely worth slapping around a bit.

The fact they need to recap every 3 minutes shows they know they don't have any deliberate / dedicated listeners, & there are smoother ways to recap with a relevant explanatory question.

TLDR: these guys are boring shite
They definitely don't know how to rock it.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
Did anyone actually get a Logan Lynn gig cancelled? It sounds like Pat is attaching a Joe Cumia thing to Logan. It also sounds like he's eating throughout the last 10 minutes.
I don't think that Lynn had any gigs to cancel.

Besides, it was possible to cancel Joe's gigs due to the sheer amount of idiot behavior that he had proudly exhibited online.

Outside of being a faggot with an oversized ego, Lynn hasn't perpetrated anything that would warrant getting gigs canceled.

Just another Tomlinson Tall Tale with zero evidence to back it up, and lazy ignorant hacks too lazy to research it.


Just listened to it and took some notes:

This did not start with us, nor did it start with a Norm Macdonald tweet. Patrick's entire online persona is somebody that starts fights on the internet. If you go to his own website and go to his about page, his own bio reads "He can often be found starting huge fights on twitter". Among many other gruesome things, he has called for the rape and execution of his political rivals, he has vowed to utterly ruin the lives of anyone who voted Republican in the last 2 elections and get them fired from their jobs and disowned from their families. While our community did discover him from the Norm Macdonald tweet, that was hardly the start of his internet troubles. He is an extremely abrasive and condescending person, and has a very odd way of talking down to people, calling them "child" and "sweetie" and "little nothing", and he replies to every single troll message imaginable against the advice of his friends, family, and lawyers - and as everybody knows, the more attention you give to the trolls, the more they are going to troll you. For example, the first time I visited his Twitter, the first thing I saw on there was a picture of a black penis peeing on his face that someone had sent him and that he tweeted out to his tens of thousands of followers saying “Look at this! Look what the trolls are doing to me!”

Patrick hasn’t been swatted 6 times, he has been swatted 4 times, and all 4 incidents have occurred within the past 2 and a half months. It is unlikely that anyone from the opie and Anthony community is behind it as our group has been more or less the same few dozen people, and even the people who have taken it too far have gone 4 years without doing anything close to swatting him. There is another website called Kiwifarms, where Patrick has exploded in popularity in the last year and a half after he tried to subpoena them for his lawsuit. Since trying to subpoena them, his forum thread there has exploded from 6 pages to over 1,100 something pages.

There is no political angle to any of this.

Patrick is not an author. He is an insurance salesman. His sales numbers are public information as are his insurance licenses. His scifi writing is an has always been a hobby that brings in a hundred dollars every 6 months.